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Patterns of Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Adults With and Without Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States

Seldom and non-consumers of fruits and vegetables may be liable to come down with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

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Inverse Association between Fruit and Vegetable Intake and All-Cause Mortality: Japan Public Health Center-Based Prospective Study

Increased intake of fruits and vegetables may protect us from dying prematurely from cancer, cardiovascular disorders, and other chronic diseases.

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Coronary heart disease and stroke disease burden attributable to fruit and vegetable intake in Japan: projected DALYS to 2060

Sticking to a diet high in fruits and vegetables may be beneficial for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD).

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  384 Hits

Vegetable and Fruit Intake Frequency and Mortality in Patients With and Without Chronic Kidney Disease: A Hospital-Based Cohort Study

Preference for fruits and vegetables may reduce death rates significantly among patients with or without CKD.

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Guava Fruit and Acacia pennata Vegetable Intake Association with Frailty of Older Adults in Northern Thailand

Imbibing the habit of eating fruits and vegetables, such as guava, may help elderly individuals to fight off frailty.

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Fruit and Vegetable Consumption is Protective from Short Sleep and Poor Sleep Quality Among University Students from 28 Countries

Adequate intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with improved quality and longer sleep duration in young adults.

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Does fruit and vegetable consumption impact mental health? Systematic review and meta-analyses of published controlled intervention studies

Filling our plates with generous portions of fruits and vegetables may be beneficial enhancing mental health and preventing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

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Increased fruit intake is associated with reduced risk of depression: evidence from cross-sectional and Mendelian randomization analyses

Adequate intake of fruits may help improve psychological health and guard against the onset of depression.

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The Synergetic Impact of Physical Activity and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption on the Risk of Depression in Taiwanese Adults

Being physically active and including more fruits and vegetables in our diet may help ward off depression.

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Dietary intake of fiber, fruit and vegetables decreases the risk of incident kidney stones in women: a Women's Health Initiative report

Indulgence in fruits, vegetables, and other fiber-containing foods may hinder the development of kidney stones in post-menopausal women.

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Vegetable and Fruit Intake Variety and Cardiovascular Health and Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies

Strict adherence to a high fruit and vegetable diet may help lower an individual's risk of dying prematurely from chronic diseases.

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Fruit and vegetable consumption and mortality in Eastern Europe: Longitudinal results from the Health, Alcohol and Psychosocial Factors in Eastern Europe study

Indulgence in fruits and vegetables may improve an individual's odds of evading premature deaths resulting from stroke and cardiovascular disease.

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