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The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet: Eat Plants, Lose Weight, Save Your Health

The Engine 2 Seven-Day Rescue Diet

The runaway New York Times bestselling diet that sparked a health revolution is simpler and easier to follow than ever!

The Engine 2 Diet has sold hundreds of thousands of copies and inspired a plant-based food revolution.

Featuring endorsements from top medical experts and a food line in Whole Foods Market, Engine 2 is the most trusted name in plant-based eating.

Now Esselstyn is presenting a powerful, accelerated new Engine 2 program that promises staggering results in record time.

In just one week on THE ENGINE 2 SEVEN-DAY RESCUE DIET, readers can expect to:

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The Plant-Based Journey: A Step-by-Step Guide for Transitioning to a Healthy Lifestyle and Achieving Your Ideal Weight

The Plant Based Journey

Award-winning teacher, transition strategist, fitness expert and dietary coach Lani Muelrath has been on her own plant-based journey for more than 40 years and has helped thousands of clients lose weight and live more healthy and plant-filled lives. Here, she brings that experience to you, backed by scientific evidence. In this comprehensive, foolproof, and accessible five-step guide, Muelrath will empower you as you make your own dietary transition:

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The Forks Over Knives Plan: How to Transition to the Life-Saving, Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet

The Forks Over Knives Plan

The trailblazing film Forks Over Knives helped spark a medical and nutritional revolution. Backed by scientific research, the film's doctors and expert researchers made a radical but convincing case that modern diseases can be prevented and often reversed by leaving meat, dairy, and highly refined foods off the plate and adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet instead.

Now, The Forks Over Knives Plan shows you how to put the life-saving, delicious Forks over Knives diet into practice in your own life. 

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The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprising Addiction Will Help You Lose Weight, Gain Energy, and Get Healthy

The Cheese Trap

New York Times bestselling author Dr. Neal Barnard reveals the shocking truth about cheese-the dangerous addiction that is harming your health-and presents a radical program to lose weight and feel great.

We've been told that dairy does a body good, but the truth is that cheese can be dangerous. Loaded with calories, fat, and cholesterol, cheese can make you gain weight and leads to a host of health problems like high blood pressure and arthritis.

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Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease

Fasting and Eating For Health

Joel Fuhrman's Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease offers precise diet and fasting programs to relieve headache, hypoglycemia, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, colitis, psoriasis, lupus, and uterine fibroids.

You'll also learn:

- How to use fasting to lose weight
- How to start, what to expect, how to reintroduce food to maintain maximum benefits
- How to work with a physician for longer fasts (more than 3 days)

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  2021 Hits

Disease-Proof Your Child: Feeding Kids Right

Disease Proof Your Child

Harness the power of a nutrient-rich diet to ensure a lifetime free of illness and full of health!

His nutrient-rich eating plan can have a significant impact on your child's resistance to dangerous infections, and a dramatic effect on reducing the occurrence of illnesses like asthma, ear infections, and allergies.

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Healthy Eating for Life for Children

Healthy Eating For Life For Children

Nourish Your Child for Optimum health and well-being

Drawing on the latest medical and dietary research, Healthy Eating for Life for Children presents a complete and sensible plant-based nutrition program that can help you promote and maintain excellent health and good eating habits for your children throughout their lives.

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The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle

The Thirty Day Diabetes Miracle

Lifestyle Center of America's Complete Program for Overcoming Diabetes, Restoring Health, and Rebuilding Natural Vitality

A revolutionary program for combating and reversing diabetes.

Over the past ten years, Lifestyle Center of America has emerged as the center in the country that offers a proven-successful program to combat - and even reverse diabetes and its adverse effects on the body.

Now available in book form for the first time, LCA's program enables individuals to actually get to the root of their problems by teaching them diabetes alleviating lifestyle-changes: the power of diet, activity, and stress management.

It also shows how to:

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How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

How Not To Die

"The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case," writes Michael Greger MD, in his new book entitled, "How Not to Die."

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Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3-Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory

Power Foods For The Brain

Who doesn't want to be smarter?

Dr. Neal Barnard's three step plan is simple: put power foods to work, strengthen your brain, and defeat memory threats.

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  1934 Hits

Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Could Save Your Life

Food Over Medicine

Most Americans are overweight AND malnourished.

Packed with scientific studies to lend credibility to their arguments as well as many tasty recipes by Del Sroufe, author of the bestselling Forks Over Knives—The Cookbook, Food Over Medicine is a great resource for any healthy plant based eater's library.

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  1944 Hits

The Empty Medicine Cabinet: The Pharmacist's Guide to the Hidden Danger of Drugs and the Healing Powers of Food

The Empty Medicine Cabinet

The Empty Medicine Cabinet is recommended by such Plant-Based experts as John Robbins, Rip Esselstyn, Brenda Davis RD, and Neal Barnard, MD, founder of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine.

Dustin Rudolph has over a decade of experience working as a Pharmacist and currently practices in a hospital setting in Florida. He became a vegetarian in 2009 and later became a whole-foods, plant-based vegan.

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