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The effects of lutein on cardiometabolic health across the life course: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Eating foods rich in lutein regularly may help to improve cardio-metabolic health.

This study assessed the effect of high dietary ingestion and blood levels of lutein on cardio-metabolic health using a meta-analytic approach. Data from 71 scientific publications were included in this meta-analysis. 

Researchers discovered that consistent consumption of lutein-containing foods and elevated plasma concentrations of lutein are associated with not only enhanced cardio-metabolic health but also diminished risk of having cardio-metabolic diseases, such as atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome. This meta-analysis provides evidence that a high lutein diet may have a positive effect on cardio-metabolic health.

Research Summary Information

  • 2016
  • Elisabeth Tm Leermakers, Sirwan Kl Darweesh, Cristina P Baena, Eduardo M Moreira, Debora Melo van Lent, Myrte J Tielemans, Taulant Muka, Anna Vitezova, Rajiv Chowdhury, Wichor M Bramer, Jessica C Kiefte-de Jong, Janine F Felix, Oscar H Franco
  • Department of Epidemiology and e.leermakers@erasmusmc.nl. Department of Epidemiology and. School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná, Paraná, Brazil; Cardiovascular Epidemiology Unit, Department of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom; and. Medical Library, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands; Department of Epidemiology and Leiden University College, The Hague, Netherlands.
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