DrCarney.com Blog

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Callie's Cancer Part 2

Callie's Cancer Part 2

Guest Blogger Contribution.
This post is Part 2 of Callie's Cancer blog that was posted on Monday, 22 August 2016. Please see it here. As a recap; our beloved 14-year-old feline friend and companion, Callie, began a health decline several years ago. As her health decline accelerated, we feared she was dying of cancer - as...

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De-Stress the Holidays Using Diet!

De-Stress the Holidays Using Diet!

Dr. Michael Greger has two videos that suggest some of the research behind plants' power to help stabilize our mood. In Improving Mood Through Diet, Dr. Greger explains that unlike animal products, plants have no arachidonic acid, a substance that produces inflammatory compounds. These compounds have been postulated to inflame our brain, contributing to stress,...

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Be a Part of the Plant-Pure Nation Movement!

Be a Part of the Plant-Pure Nation Movement!

Have you ever wanted to shout, "What is the truth?!" as you sift through the conflicting health advice available on the internet and elsewhere? If so, then you'll want to watch PlantPure Nation. This documentary will not only show you the truth about how to achieve optimal health, but will help explain WHY it's so difficult...

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Whole Grains Instead of Drugs?

Whole Grains Instead of Drugs?

Evidence acknowledging the benefits of including whole, intact grains in our diets continues to increase. A recent study revealed that consuming just three servings of whole grains a day achieves the same benefits as taking blood pressure medications. According to Dr. Michael Greger's above video, consuming whole grains "...appears as powerful as high blood pressure...

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Dairy Protein Promotes Cancer

Dairy Protein Promotes Cancer

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. One out of every two men and one out of every three women will be diagnosed with cancer sometime during their lifetime. Fascinating research demonstrates how milk protein (casein) raises our levels of a powerful cancer-promoting growth hormone called Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1, (IGF-1) which has been...

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Animal Protein "Turns On" Cancer Genes

Animal Protein "Turns On" Cancer Genes

This is a very powerful ten-minute video clip featuring Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He discusses how our dietary choices can either "turn on" or "turn off" cancer cell growth. Dr. Campbell's groundbreaking discovery came when he explored the relationship between nutrition and cancer while conducting a study in the 1980's in rural China called the China...

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Colin Campbell Explains Cancer Growth

Colin Campbell Explains Cancer Growth

Cancer is divided into stages. The first stage is initiation. This is where cancer starts, with genes which may become capable of producing cancer cells as they divide. Then the promotion stage may take years in order for the cancer to grow enough to be detected. Nutrition is important here as what we eat can promote the cancer cells to grow. In particular, animal protein is the food substance that Dr. Cambell's research discovered best turned on the cancer ability to grow. 

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The China Study is Highly Recommended Reading

The China Study is Highly Recommended Reading

I whole heartily recommend that everybody interested in diet and health purchase and read a copy of the book The China Study by T. Colin Campbell PhD.  This one book has been the catalyst for so many people having their eyes opened to the benefits of plant-based nutrition. 

The China Study was the largest study to date on nutrition and health. It has been referred to as the "Grand Prix of epidemiology" by The New York Times.  Much of the materials in The China Study has been incorporated into the eCornell Certificate Program from Cornell University.

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T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D

Dr. T. Colin Campbell PhD, Nutritional Biochemistry, Cornell University has been a leader in the study of nutrition for many decades. He is an honest scientist whose research led him to repudiate all that he previously believed regarding the role of nutrition and health. Dr. Campbell, along with his son, is the author of the...

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