DrCarney.com Blog

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Endocrine Disrupting Hormones Found in Food

Endocrine Disrupting Hormones Found in Food

As a doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine, I stay up-to-date on the most current scientific literature regarding how our food choices impact our health and wellbeing. For this reason, I'd like to share with you the findings of several medical studies regarding a group of chemical compounds called phthalates. Phthalates are ubiquitous in the...

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  7767 Hits

Is Your Bad Breath Caused by Foods High in Sulfur?

Is Your Bad Breath Caused by Foods High in Sulfur?

Let's face it...halitosis, or bad breath...stinks! Approximately 60% of Americans complain of having bad breath. This common condition creates much social anxiety and can certainly hinder one's personal relationships. If you've searched the Internet for ways to alleviate this situation and your attempts at using mouthwash and breath mints have failed, you may be interested...

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  15431 Hits

Can Low-Carb Diets Impair Brain Function?

Can Low-Carb Diets Impair Brain Function?

Chances are, you have many friends or family members that have been lured into eating one of the many types of low-carb diets. These high animal protein, carbohydrate restrictive diets promise quick weight loss results without having to exert much effort. Dieters enjoy the fact that they can lose weight rapidly without having to give...

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  20805 Hits

Meat and Egg Products Increase the Risk of Stroke

Meat and Egg Products Increase the Risk of Stroke

Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we periodically publish the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true. Show me the Science! As reported by The Physicians...

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  11485 Hits

WHO States Red/Processed Meat Linked to Cancer

Say No to Processed Meats

Once again the media outlets have been "rocked" by news on nutrition: the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that processed meat and red meat consumption are associated with cancer. In a press release dated October 26, 2015, the WHO stated that a group of 22 experts from ten countries reviewed the scientific literature and classified...

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  30909 Hits

100% of Ground Beef Samples Contain Fecal Bacteria

100% of Ground Beef Samples Contain Fecal Bacteria

"All 458 pounds of beef we examined contained bacteria that signified fecal contamination," states Consumer Reports in the September, 2015, online issue. These eye-opening results come from a study done on the United States ground beef supply. During a three-week period in October, 2014, Consumer Reports purchased 300 packages of ground beef from 26 different United...

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  12425 Hits

What are the Consequences of Consuming Iron from Meat?

Excess Iron Can Be Highly Toxic Excess Iron From Meat Can Lead to Serious Health Issues

When asked which foods contain iron, most people will respond by listing several types of meat -- beef, shellfish, liver, etc. Few are aware that iron is prevalent in a wide variety of whole plant foods. For example, dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans/legumes, nuts/seeds, are rich sources of iron. Our omnivorous friends often assume...

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  10474 Hits

Eggs are Ideal Nutrition (for Pre-hatched Chicks)

Eggs are Ideal Nutrition (for Pre-hatched Chicks)

For many families, celebrating Easter includes the dying and hunting of hard-boiled eggs followed by a rich meal enjoyed with family or friends. However, these highly-concentrated foods that were once reserved for the occasional celebratory event, or consumed out of necessity for survival have become the centerpiece for every meal; 365 days a year. For instance, we celebrate...

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  7399 Hits

Concerned about Arsenic in Rice?

Concerned about Arsenic in Rice?

Hardly a week goes by without some type of warning or health scare regarding what "is or isn't" in our food. Reports regarding arsenic in rice the past few years have raised concerns in health-conscious individuals and have given low-carb followers yet another reason to vilify whole grains. Because whole grains (including rice) are an...

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  10053 Hits

Weight Gain Attributed to Eating Meat?

Weight Gain Attributed to Eating Meat?

One of the many benefits of consuming a plant-centered diet is that it reduces body fat and helps us maintain a healthy weight. Studies confirm that individuals consuming diets based on animal products have more abdominal fat and higher BMI's than their plant-based counterparts. Because meat, dairy and eggs are higher in calories, it's assumed...

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  29583 Hits

Seeing is Believing!

Seeing is Believing!

Have you ever met your friends at your favorite restaurant and when you returned home, you felt too sluggish or sleepy to be productive, so you crashed on the sofa to watch TV? This phenomenon is not a surprise to Dr. John McDougall, who has been studying the effects of high-fat meals for over 40...

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  18354 Hits

Summer Cookout? Where's the Beef?

Summer Cookout? Where's the Beef?

Summer is a great time of year for family and friends to gather for fun outdoor activities including back yard cook outs. But before you light up the grill, you may want to read about the dangers associated with barbecued meat. The 2009 Meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research discussed how consuming barbecued meat...

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  5893 Hits

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