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Meat Hormones Linked to Infertility

Meat Hormones Linked to Infertility

In the previous video, Dr. Greger warned that under-cooked meat poses a serious risk to the unborn baby. Toxoplasma parasites, which were found in one out of every six packages of raw lamb meat, can affect the brains of humans and unborn babies, resulting in a birth defect of an enlarged brain. In the video...

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Brain Parasites in Meat

Brain Parasites in Meat

One out of every six lambs raised for human consumption in the U.S. has been found to be infected with the Toxoplasma parasite. This parasite can affect the brains of humans. It is estimated that ten percent of Americans currently have these brain parasites and aren't even aware of it.  Illnesses such as Parkinson's, bi-polar disorder,...

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No One Needs to Eat Meat for Health

No One Needs to Eat Meat for Health

Dr. Jay Gordon, is a pediatrician that uses whole-food, plant-based nutrition as preventative medicine in his medical practice in California. He's a nationally recognized pediatrician, nutritionist, lecturer, teacher, magazine columnist, and the author of numerous books. 

We first learned of Dr. Gordon's passion regarding nutritional medicine from watching the Processed People documentary. Dr. Gordon is one of the many plant-based physicians that are featured in this documentary. The one minute video excerpt below highlights Dr. Gordon speaking about protein needs and how we don't need to consume animal products in order to be healthy. The above video clip was taken from the "Processed People" documentary.

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High Protein Diets Promote Illness

High Protein Diets Promote Illness

High protein diets such as the Atkins or Paleo diet may result in initial rapid weight loss, however, there are numerous adverse health consequences associated with these types of diets. So, while the weight may be decreasing other serious health risks are increasing. Is it worth the risk to lose weight in this way? In a nutshell: No! 

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Current Protein Recommendations Flawed

Baby Calf

What does your typical diet look like for one day? If you answered bacon and eggs for breakfast, turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch, and chicken fried steak for dinner, you're not alone. Basing every meal around an animal-based protein source is believed to be a necessary component in the human diet. Dr. Michael Klaper...

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