
Depression is less likely to occur among individuals with high intake of foods packed with flavonoids....
  1.   May 1, 2024
  2.   Depression
  3. 0 Comments
Eating foods high in flavonoids may help to fend off chronic respiratory disease, such as asthma, emphysema, and chronic bronchitis....
  1.   April 30, 2024
  2.   Lung Disease
  3.   Asthma
  4.   Isoflavones
  5. 0 Comments
Sticking to diets that encourage the consumption of isoflavones from soy foods may help halt the development of metabolic syndrome....
  1.   April 30, 2024
  2.   Metabolic Syndrome
  3.   Soy Foods
  4. 0 Comments
Consumers of artificial sweeteners may have high propensity to come down with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease (stroke)....
Regular drinking of alcohol in early adulthood may prime the cells of the colon and rectum to become cancerous in future....
  1.   April 29, 2024
  2.   Colorectal Cancer
  3.   Alcohol
  4. 0 Comments
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