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  • Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I stopped by. Our family is going through some health challenges these days. We all contracted Covid this past December. I have since been dealing with complications from catching it--mostly abdominal pains and extreme fatigue, sometimes bordering on...
    Hi everyone! It's been awhile since I stopped by. Our family is going through some health challenges these days. We all contracted Covid this past December. I have since been dealing with complications from catching it--mostly abdominal pains and extreme fatigue, sometimes bordering on exhaustion. Recovery has been slow, but I feel better when the weather is warm and the sun is out. I try to spend time in the sun whenever it is out. Here in Michigan, that isn't everyday. But I take advantage of it whenever I can. My husband has had increasing problems with food sensitivities. He has been unable to eat wheat for many years, but ever since he had his gall bladder out, his food sensitivities have increased. He cannot eat onions, garlic, white potatoes, nutritional yeast flakes, and other herbs. We don't understand what is going on, except to say he may be dealing with a leaky gut. We take a daily probiotic which I hope may help someday.
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  • Sgilmor updated her profile
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  • Sgilmor unlocked the badge Search Engine
    Search Engine
    Loves searching on the site. To unlock this badge, you need to search for more than 50 times.
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  • Sgilmor replied to a discussion, HEALING LEAKY GUT
    My body has been healing slowly but surely. I can handle tomatoes again. Yay! Though I don't push it. Same for others in the nightshade family. Just to be safe. Sweet potatoes are definitely a friend!
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  •   kfroplantstrong commented on this post about 5 years ago
    Sgilmor started a new discussion, Nitric Oxide
    Nitric Oxide
    Have you seen any studies that looks at the effect of salt on the production of nitric oxide in the body?
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    • Quote "exercise plus [beetroot juice] group developed brain networks that more closely resembled those of younger adults, showing the potentialQuote "exercise plus [beetroot juice] group developed brain networks that more closely resembled those of younger adults, showing the potential enhanced neuroplasticity conferred by combining exercise and [nitrate-rich vegetables].” From Dr. Greger. Can't BEET that!!  More ...
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  •   susserman reacted to this post about 5 years ago
    I am seeing healing from my leaky gut. Going oil free and eating whole food plant based, following the Starch Smart way, has helped so much! I had developed allergies to citrus, spinach, tomatoes, nutritional yeast flakes, and a few other foods. But all these have disappaeared! My sensitivity to...
    I am seeing healing from my leaky gut. Going oil free and eating whole food plant based, following the Starch Smart way, has helped so much! I had developed allergies to citrus, spinach, tomatoes, nutritional yeast flakes, and a few other foods. But all these have disappaeared! My sensitivity to gluten is still there but it has decreased. I trust that as I lose weight and keep eating this way, I'll have total healing!
    • Yes, they are higher in fat. Which is why I use them very little. Sometimes I add 'flax eggs' in burgers, but I've also found I can bind them withoutYes, they are higher in fat. Which is why I use them very little. Sometimes I add 'flax eggs' in burgers, but I've also found I can bind them without flaxseed--by using a combination of quick oats and herbs.

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    • I use them freely and occasionally have a small amount of avocado. I am not trying to lose weight
    • It sounds like phone consult would be of benefit to you if you are not in Texas for an in-person visit. You may have a complicated case, but areIt sounds like phone consult would be of benefit to you if you are not in Texas for an in-person visit. You may have a complicated case, but are welcome to consider that option here at this URL.
      Phone consults are conducted at 7 PM Central time on week-nights, and are called Food Coaching to distinguish them from the practice of medicine across state lines. Thus Food coaching is advice from me, a medical doctor, but are not actually me becoming your physician across state lines, as they do not involve the prescribing of medications or tests, although we certainly do discuss those (if appropriate) that you may ask your MD in your state to order for you.
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    • I have been considering that. Thank you. How far out are you booking appointments?
    • The earliest I could do would be Monday November 5 at 7 PM central time (although if somebody pays for and calls to my staff for a consult beforeThe earliest I could do would be Monday November 5 at 7 PM central time (although if somebody pays for and calls to my staff for a consult before you, the date may get pushed further out?) My staff are at 512-295-7877 if you would rather pay over the phone instead of online at Thank you for considering a phone call with me.  More ...
    • I just tried to register for one hour session, but had no luck and somehow ended up with my account locked. My biggest question is if you think II just tried to register for one hour session, but had no luck and somehow ended up with my account locked. My biggest question is if you think I could heal leaky gut food intolerances if I maintain some beans in my diet daily? My other question is, do you think large amounts of flax seed or chia seed (like 1/2 c/day are harmful? Will the phytates bind up nutrients?  More ...
    • Hello Dr. Carney. I know we had a phone consult many months ago. I wanted to review the specific things we talked about. I found the standardHello Dr. Carney. I know we had a phone consult many months ago. I wanted to review the specific things we talked about. I found the standard recommendation that you send to us, but I did not find anything specific to me. Would you have copies of that? Thank you  More ...
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  •   vegijoy reacted to this post about 5 years ago
    Thinking of fruit for supper...I've not found that eating fruit for supper makes me crave more fruit. I have been amazed how eating 1 or 2 apples curbs my hunger too. There's so much fiber in these northern-grown fruits. Biggest challenge is for me not to add grains like rice or oats to my 3rd...
    Thinking of fruit for supper...I've not found that eating fruit for supper makes me crave more fruit. I have been amazed how eating 1 or 2 apples curbs my hunger too. There's so much fiber in these northern-grown fruits. Biggest challenge is for me not to add grains like rice or oats to my 3rd meal. It may be just me but it makes it hard for me to sleep, it seems to create more acid. So I try to stick to just fruit. Sometimes I'll just have 2 meals a day and focus on starches, leafy veggies and whole grains. Or I'll have some berries on oatmeal for breakfast. That always fills me up.
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  •   prentir reacted to this post about 5 years ago
    I have dropped a dress/pant size since January. But I'm hoping to keep losing. I try to eat only fruits for supper and this is helping--I focus on northern grown fruits. Lately, I have a small bowl of frozen blueberries and an apple. It seems to be working.
    • Thank you for joining this group and thank you for sharing that strategy. I know that Dr. Carney has seen a lot of people helped with their weightThank you for joining this group and thank you for sharing that strategy. I know that Dr. Carney has seen a lot of people helped with their weight loss when they change their big meal of the day for breakfast and only eat a very small fruit based meal in the evening.   More ...
    • Congratulations on your success! I agree with Dr. Carney's suggestion and my first meal of the day is my biggest and then I taper from there to myCongratulations on your success! I agree with Dr. Carney's suggestion and my first meal of the day is my biggest and then I taper from there to my smallest meal. I try to finish eating by 4 p.m. but some days it's 6 p.m. I also eat greens with my breakfast meal. That really helps me control cravings for unhealthy foods during the day. It's like magic. :-)  More ...
    • Congratulations Sgilmor! I know starting the day with "VFB" or Veggies For Breakfast seems to do a lot of magic for me, but I never considered aCongratulations Sgilmor! I know starting the day with "VFB" or Veggies For Breakfast seems to do a lot of magic for me, but I never considered a fruit based dinner; Not so sure I should as for a 2nd breakfast I'll usually have an oatmeal with fruit. Not to mention that just fruit for dinner I don't know how my body would react and cause me to want MORE sugar?

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    • We love our lighter fruit based evening meals. It helps us sleep better, not to be too full, and to have eaten such quickly digesting foods. And, itWe love our lighter fruit based evening meals. It helps us sleep better, not to be too full, and to have eaten such quickly digesting foods. And, it is sure a tasty treat each evening. The secret is to have a large breakfast and a big lunch so that when the evening meal time rolls around you are not feeling super hungry and so do not give in to the temptation to over eat.  More ...
    • Here is the link to download a PDF of the various levels of the Starch-Smart System: is the link to download a PDF of the various levels of the Starch-Smart System:  More ...
    • I am following the same diet. It took a day or so to get used to eating Kale for breakfast but, two months in, I really love it. My evening meal isI am following the same diet. It took a day or so to get used to eating Kale for breakfast but, two months in, I really love it. My evening meal is fruit pudding! This is blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and pears cooked with quinoa. This is really filling and satisfied my need for fruits and grains.   More ...
    • All this talk about fruit for supper is making me really hungry and now I am really looking forward to my supper tonight. :-)
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  • Sgilmor started a new discussion, LUPUS

    Is it possible to have lupus if you have redness on your cheeks and the bridge of your nose but don't have any other lupus symptoms? My skin rash has improved since going oil free and avoiding tree nuts. But sometimes I wonder if I have lupus....

    Is it possible to have lupus if you have redness on your cheeks and the bridge of your nose but don't have any other lupus symptoms? My skin rash has improved since going oil free and avoiding tree nuts. But sometimes I wonder if I have lupus. I'm wondering if I should have some medical tests to find out.

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  • Sgilmor started a new discussion, SMOKED PAPRIKA

    I am looking for information regarding smoked paprika and its effect on the body. Can you direct me to any studies?

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  • Sgilmor started a new discussion, KIDNEY DISEASE

    I have a friend whose daughter has kidney disease. The doctor thinks it may be FSGS. Wondering if there is any lifestyle related treatments that can help her. She had a kidney transplant but her body has recently rejected it. So it is back to...

    I have a friend whose daughter has kidney disease. The doctor thinks it may be FSGS. Wondering if there is any lifestyle related treatments that can help her. She had a kidney transplant but her body has recently rejected it. So it is back to dialysis. Wondering if there are other options available for someone like her.


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  • Sgilmor started a new discussion, Ways to Gain Weight
    Ways to Gain Weight

    My son has had a severe stomach flu. We then discovered he is dealing with a stomach ulcer. I've been following an ulcer-healing way of eating that involves no nuts, citrus, or spicy foods. But he told me this morning, he's worried he's still...

    My son has had a severe stomach flu. We then discovered he is dealing with a stomach ulcer. I've been following an ulcer-healing way of eating that involves no nuts, citrus, or spicy foods. But he told me this morning, he's worried he's still losing weight (lost weight during the flu because of not eating and vomitting). So he experimented yesterday morning and had a little almond butter on some millet bread I made.

    I have a list of ideas for gaining weight but most of them are based on using natural fats--nuts, seeds, olives, avocados. Fat builds acid in the stomach so we are trying to avoid these right now. Do you have any other natural ways to gain weight on a plant-based diet?

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  •   drcarney commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Sgilmor started a new discussion, No Gall Bladder
    No Gall Bladder

    I had my gall bladder removed almost 10 years ago. I am wondering if the body can't digest fats very well when we don't have one. I know when my gb was diseased, it had trouble digesting fats. I've found I have flareups in a skin rash on my face...

    I had my gall bladder removed almost 10 years ago. I am wondering if the body can't digest fats very well when we don't have one. I know when my gb was diseased, it had trouble digesting fats. I've found I have flareups in a skin rash on my face when I get too much natural fats--wondering if this is normal?

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    • Hi there,
      I agree with you that there do seem to be more problems with dietary fats in my patients who once had gallstones, whether or not theyHi there,
      I agree with you that there do seem to be more problems with dietary fats in my patients who once had gallstones, whether or not they dissolved their gallstones by a low-fat, oil-free plant-based diet of whole unprocessed food, or instead had cholecystectomy (surgical removal of the gall bladder.)

      Many people tell me that they suffer more skin inflammation when they eat foods higher in dietary fat than 20% of calories from fats. I sure do, myself. (But I have never suffered gallstones...)

      So to answer your question: Is it normal? No, skin eruptions or inflammations are not normal, yet they seem to me to occur more commonly in those predisposed to gallbladder issues.

      Are these intolerances to dietary fat more common than many people suspect? Yes, I do think so.

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