DrCarney.com Blog

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Is the Fructose in Fruit Bad for Us?

Is the Fructose in Fruit Bad for Us?

We've all heard that fructose is the sugar in fruit. But high fructose corn syrup contains 55% fructose... and we all know that we should avoid this highly refined sugar. So it begs the question, is the sugar (fructose) in fruit bad for us? Dr. Michael Greger cuts through the confusion in the below video,...

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  11912 Hits

Can Eating Beans Promote Longevity?

Can Eating Beans Promote Longevity?

"The cornerstone of every longevity diet in the world was the humble bean," concludes Dan Buettner in a 2015 Wall Street Journal article.  Beuttner is a National Geographic Fellow and author of THE BLUE ZONES SOLUTION: Eating and Living Like the World’s Healthiest People. Buettner compares the lifestyle and diet of the earth's five longest-living people groups to discover...

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Beans, Beans the Magical "Cholesterol Pill"?

Beans, Beans the Magical "Cholesterol Pill"?

Beans are an important part of a Starch-Smart® diet. Their rich fiber content helps to fill us up, keeping us fueled and satisfied until the next meal. Now, we can add heart health to the growing list of bean benefits. Scientific studies prove that a daily serving of beans can lower our LDL and total cholesterol levels....

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  14074 Hits

Improve Circulation and Enhance Athletic Performance with Nitrate-Rich Vegetables!

Improve Circulation and Enhance Athletic Performance with Nitrate-Rich Vegetables!

In two of my previous blogs, Antioxidant-Rich Foods Dilate Arteries and Eggs Contain Few Antioxidants, I discussed how antioxidant-rich plant foods dilate arteries by supplying the endothelial cells with nitric oxide and how animal products are nearly void of any antioxidants. Athletes who know this, use this to their advantage. When consumed two to three hours before their...

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  14898 Hits

Eat, Don't Toss Those Apple Peels!

Eat, Don't Toss Those Apple Peels!

Many people are unsuspectingly throwing away a valuable resource in the fight against cancer. Apple peels have been found to be effective against the proliferation of cancer cells. Dr. Michael Greger's video, Apple Skin: Peeling Back Cancer, shows an amazing phenomenon. We see cancer cells disappearing when bathed in drops of apple peels blended with water. The...

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  5436 Hits

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

Pink Lady. Braeburn. Ginger Gold. Fuji. Red Delicious. Gala. It's fall and farmer's markets abound with apples. Your refrigerator produce drawer should likewise be overflowing with these powerful packages of nature's nutrients! Science backs up the many health benefits of consuming apples. Apples reduce the risk of some cancers, particularly lung cancer.  As if that...

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  7506 Hits

What Percentage of Americans Eat Healthy?

What Percentage of Americans Eat Healthy?

Life expectancy in the U.S. is listed as number 27 or 28 of the 34 OECD free-market democracies. In the video below, Dr. Michael Greger explains how the overall patterns of healthy lifestyles have declined in the last 18 years. When U.S. health trends are examined, they reveal some pretty sobering statistics based on one...

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Medical Care = Third Leading Cause of Death

Medical Care = Third Leading Cause of Death

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." These are wise words spoken by Hippocrates, an ancient Greek physician that is "considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine." The Hippocratic Oath which is named after Hippocrates, outlines medical ethics for doctors and is still used today. Part of...

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  5886 Hits

Fecal Bacteria Content in Sushi

Fecal Bacteria Content in Sushi

Sushi lovers could be eating more than just raw seafood. Animal products, especially poultry and fish are loaded with fecal bacteria. This poses several potential hazards for consumers, including food poisoning. According to Dr. Michael Greger, the 24 or 48-hour stomach bug isn't actually the "stomach flu" but most likely food poisoning. Researchers found that in...

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  8519 Hits

Can Type 2 Diabetes be Prevented?

Can Type 2 Diabetes be Prevented?

The number of people with diabetes has doubled in just ten years. It's predicted that by 2050, one in three people in the U.S. will have diabetes. This serious degenerative disease is the leading cause of adult-onset blindness, kidney failure, and surgical amputations. Developing type 2 diabetes is a gradual process; most individuals progress through a...

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  5714 Hits

Fatty Foods Dull our Dopamine Reward System

Fatty Foods Dull our Dopamine Reward System

Like the tobacco industry, today's food manufacturers have discovered how to separate foods and put them back together again with super-saturated concentrations of sugar, fat and salt so that they produce effects similar to that seen in drug addiction. This addictive combination keeps customers coming back for more. These flavors "seduce our taste buds" by...

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  26163 Hits

Effects of Sugar Similar to Drug Addiction

Effects of Sugar Similar to Drug Addiction

Anyone who consumes the typical American diet will tell you how hard it is for them to cut back on refined sugar products. In the video below Dr. Greger states that diets high in refined sugar products have often been "compared to drug addiction." Recently, PET scans (image technology that measures brain activity) "showed decreased...

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