•   prentir reacted to this post about 5 years ago
    I have dropped a dress/pant size since January. But I'm hoping to keep losing. I try to eat only fruits for supper and this is helping--I focus on northern grown fruits. Lately, I have a small bowl of frozen blueberries and an apple. It seems to be working.
    • Thank you for joining this group and thank you for sharing that strategy. I know that Dr. Carney has seen a lot of people helped with their weightThank you for joining this group and thank you for sharing that strategy. I know that Dr. Carney has seen a lot of people helped with their weight loss when they change their big meal of the day for breakfast and only eat a very small fruit based meal in the evening.   More ...
    • Congratulations on your success! I agree with Dr. Carney's suggestion and my first meal of the day is my biggest and then I taper from there to myCongratulations on your success! I agree with Dr. Carney's suggestion and my first meal of the day is my biggest and then I taper from there to my smallest meal. I try to finish eating by 4 p.m. but some days it's 6 p.m. I also eat greens with my breakfast meal. That really helps me control cravings for unhealthy foods during the day. It's like magic. :-)  More ...
    • Congratulations Sgilmor! I know starting the day with "VFB" or Veggies For Breakfast seems to do a lot of magic for me, but I never considered aCongratulations Sgilmor! I know starting the day with "VFB" or Veggies For Breakfast seems to do a lot of magic for me, but I never considered a fruit based dinner; Not so sure I should as for a 2nd breakfast I'll usually have an oatmeal with fruit. Not to mention that just fruit for dinner I don't know how my body would react and cause me to want MORE sugar?

        More ...
    • We love our lighter fruit based evening meals. It helps us sleep better, not to be too full, and to have eaten such quickly digesting foods. And, itWe love our lighter fruit based evening meals. It helps us sleep better, not to be too full, and to have eaten such quickly digesting foods. And, it is sure a tasty treat each evening. The secret is to have a large breakfast and a big lunch so that when the evening meal time rolls around you are not feeling super hungry and so do not give in to the temptation to over eat.  More ...
    • Here is the link to download a PDF of the various levels of the Starch-Smart System:  https://keycdn.drcarney.com/images/starch_smart/handouts/StarchHere is the link to download a PDF of the various levels of the Starch-Smart System:  https://keycdn.drcarney.com/images/starch_smart/handouts/Starch-SmartSystemLevels.pdf  More ...
    • I am following the same diet. It took a day or so to get used to eating Kale for breakfast but, two months in, I really love it. My evening meal isI am following the same diet. It took a day or so to get used to eating Kale for breakfast but, two months in, I really love it. My evening meal is fruit pudding! This is blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and pears cooked with quinoa. This is really filling and satisfied my need for fruits and grains.   More ...
    • All this talk about fruit for supper is making me really hungry and now I am really looking forward to my supper tonight. :-)
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