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  •   scarney commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Flora, We have not heard from you for awhile. I hope that is because all is well with you! :-)
    • Hello again, so kind of you to check on me. I’m doing good, but no longer vegan. Vegetarian but temptation is hard and I’m weak.
    • Keep hanging around people that want to support you to make it as easy as possible. :-)
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  •   scarney commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Sean, Thank you so much for taking my calls, the black beans and brown rice were such a blessing , the horrid feeling is gone. Need to figure out what else has the same kind of proteins so I can have a variety
    • Enjoying your meals sounds good. One of the most interesting thing that people discover when they switch their evening meal to a small, easy toEnjoying your meals sounds good. One of the most interesting thing that people discover when they switch their evening meal to a small, easy to digest meal is that they then wake up hungry and ready to eat a significant breakfast whereas before they were not hungry. :-) They also report waking up more energetic in the morning. This is our experience as well. It is not essential but it is certainly very helpful.
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    • As part of the McDougall elimination diet I’m supposed to reintroduce foods one at a time, I did the potatoes and I guess I am sensitive to them,As part of the McDougall elimination diet I’m supposed to reintroduce foods one at a time, I did the potatoes and I guess I am sensitive to them, heart burn and pressure returned , and appetite left. I really hate this and I have to do this reintroducing with more items. Is there a link you have to show calorie intake ? The dr. said I need to have 2170 calories per day to maintain my weight.   More ...
    • Some people are sensitive to nightshade vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. So, the good news is that you are figuring outSome people are sensitive to nightshade vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and peppers. So, the good news is that you are figuring out what your trigger foods are. Was it Dr. Marin who is concerned that you are not eating enough calories? What were her suggestions?  More ...
    • I am not sure if I can share a link to a Facebook image here but will try. It is about calorie density. am not sure if I can share a link to a Facebook image here but will try. It is about calorie density.
      However, be aware the answer is not to start eating excessively dense foods as they tend to be inflammatory. Instead the answer is probably to eat MORE of the starches.
      Are you currently underweight and that is why you are worried about maintaining your weight? The reason I ask is that most people when they go on a Starch-Smart program see their weight go down for awhile, until they reach their ideal weight and then they plateau.
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    • I see the link did not work. I was trying to get you to see the image in the Starch-Smart System folder that has the longest list of foods on it.  httI see the link did not work. I was trying to get you to see the image in the Starch-Smart System folder that has the longest list of foods on it.  More ...
    • I asked Dr Marin about my intake and how to know if I’m eating enough, that’s when she said what my caloric needs are supposed to be at , can youI asked Dr Marin about my intake and how to know if I’m eating enough, that’s when she said what my caloric needs are supposed to be at , can you tell me how to figure out if my intake is at 2170 / per day. She said it’s 723 per meal. I’m glad she is receptive, but I feel I should be doing better , especially with my bowel movements.   More ...
    • There must be calorie counting apps available on the internet but to tell you the truth we have never asked anybody to count calories or to countThere must be calorie counting apps available on the internet but to tell you the truth we have never asked anybody to count calories or to count carbs, etc... I think you might want to google to see if you can find a page where you can list what you are eating and have it report back to you the calories.   More ...
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  • Just 1 Thing 4 Health is now friends with FloraDora
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  • FloraDora is now friends with drcarney
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  •   FloraDora commented on this post about 6 years ago
    Dr Carney I’m having to deal with this horrid burping and no relief from a what I assume is heartburn? I’m also worried because I’m not feeling an appetite but having to force myself to eat which seems to make this heaviness in my lower chest worse , the burping doesn’t seem to relieve me. ...
    Dr Carney I’m having to deal with this horrid burping and no relief from a what I assume is heartburn? I’m also worried because I’m not feeling an appetite but having to force myself to eat which seems to make this heaviness in my lower chest worse , the burping doesn’t seem to relieve me. It happens every evening, I’ve tried the breathing exercises, raising my head , I took Tums once yesterday, it helped but today not so much, I’m at my wits end.
    • Nice. Glad you found somebody. It ends up that she and Dr. Carney both graduated from the same Medical School. Small world.
    • Oh my !!! So that’s good then ? She seems very receptive to my questions, BTW I felt like eating more this lunchtime and no heaviness or discomfortOh my !!! So that’s good then ? She seems very receptive to my questions, BTW I felt like eating more this lunchtime and no heaviness or discomfort in my chest, she also suggested legumes to add , even on the elimination diet. I’m still questioning the wording on DrMcDougall elimination list, as if he wasn’t telling us to eat just what is on the list but INCLUDING what’s on the list.   More ...
    • When you go to this new doctor, I would suggest you might want to let her guide your diet for awhile.
      And yes, Loma Linda University is a greatWhen you go to this new doctor, I would suggest you might want to let her guide your diet for awhile.
      And yes, Loma Linda University is a great medical school. :-)
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    • Ok I will Sean, I’m sure it is a great school. Thanks again for your guidance .
    • I just let Dr. Carney know who you are going to go see and she was very glad to hear it. You should be in good hands going forward. Hopefully you canI just let Dr. Carney know who you are going to go see and she was very glad to hear it. You should be in good hands going forward. Hopefully you can see her soon.  More ...
    • I’m so hopeful, less fearful about continuing with this WOE and not so alone
    • Sean can I take baking soda to burp ? I feel like I need to burp and can’t ? It’s uncomfortable
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  • FloraDora replied to a discussion, Bananas and type2 diabetes

    Ken I started the Dr McDougall elimination diet yesterday,is that the one you did ? I had some questions about it, I read it as if the list on the plan were to be included , not just the only foods to eat ?  I was able to sleep so well last night...

    Ken I started the Dr McDougall elimination diet yesterday,is that the one you did ? I had some questions about it, I read it as if the list on the plan were to be included , not just the only foods to eat ?  I was able to sleep so well last night and Im feeling better today. Thanks for the information, I don’t know why I have the issues either, I threw out all that I had prepared for this WOE and cooking as I go to make sure I didn’t add anything extra that I shouldn’t have. wish me luck .

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  • FloraDora replied to a discussion, Bananas and type2 diabetes

    Sean, I’m doing the elimination dietFrom McDougall now so I’m eating a bowl of brown rice with cooked plums and baked sweet potatoes for breakfast. But I when I did the split pea soup for breakfast the day prior to that, I did have a couple of...

    Sean, I’m doing the elimination dietFrom McDougall now so I’m eating a bowl of brown rice with cooked plums and baked sweet potatoes for breakfast. But I when I did the split pea soup for breakfast the day prior to that, I did have a couple of small BM’s? The problem was the horrible chest discomfort. It felt like I had something stuck in there.

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  • FloraDora replied to a discussion, Bananas and type2 diabetes

    Thank you Ken, I was trying to figure out what was causing my heart burn /indigestion, I’ve been dealing with for about a week, it was almost like A gnawing feeling in my chest, almost Like I had something heavy stuck there. I finally had some...

    Thank you Ken, I was trying to figure out what was causing my heart burn /indigestion, I’ve been dealing with for about a week, it was almost like A gnawing feeling in my chest, almost Like I had something heavy stuck there. I finally had some relief last evening. Still burping though as well as not having a good BM , passing gas but I don’t have the urge either. I was having 2-3 since starting this vegan way of eating. As I said for the most the pain of indigestion is gone , no BM today so far.

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  • FloraDora started a new discussion, Bananas and type2 diabetes
    Bananas and type2 diabetes

    Are banana a good choice to eat if you have type2 diabetes? Ive been adding 1/2. Medium size banana to my morning steel cut oats with blueberries and little chopped up apple?

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  • FloraDora unlocked the badge Bookworm
    Someone who loves to read through blog posts. To unlock this badge, read more than 30 blog posts on the site
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