DrCarney.com Blog

Health - Food - Science - Community
Dr. Carney helps patients prevent and reverse disease through balanced lifestyle changes, including implementing an anti-inflammatory, high fiber, nutrient dense plant-based, Starch-Smart diet.

Will my children get enough calcium on a Starch-Smart® diet?

A Starch-Smart® diet supplies adequate levels of calcium for growing children and can be started as soon as solid food is introduced. A well planned, Starch-Smart® diet provides optimal nutrition and powerful protection against childhood illness and chronic disease later in adulthood.  When consuming a diet rich in whole foods, beans, nuts, seeds, legumes, intact...

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Genetics and Lowering Cholesterol

Genetics and Lowering Cholesterol

Although an individual may have a genetic weakness for high cholesterol and it runs in their family, a plant-based diet is capable of lowering cholesterol to an acceptable level. Dr. Joel Fuhrman uses a nutrient-dense, vegetable based plan to reverse heart disease and lower cholesterol in his patients. Dr. Fuhrman emphasizes that, "Nutrition is such...

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Statin Drugs and Cholesterol Reduction

Statin Drugs and Cholesterol Reduction

Heart disease has become our nation's number one killer, with coronary heart disease being the most common type of heart disease, causing more than 385,000 deaths per year. This results in a heart attack occurring within every 30-40 seconds. Having a high cholesterol level is one of the main risk factors contributing to heart disease....

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Reducing Menopause Symptoms

Reducing Menopause Symptoms

One of the many benefits of consuming a Starch-Smart® diet is its ability to reduce and even prevent many menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, food cravings, depression, irritability and anxiety without the use of hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Neal Barnard explains that, "Many women in other parts of the world who grow up eating...

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Menstrual Cramping and Heavy Periods

Pain Scale

According to a research study presented in the February 2000 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology, a low-fat, vegan diet "significantly reduced pain and PMS for many women." Painful menstrual cramping and heavy periods can be largely attributed to chemicals called prostaglandins. The fat stored in our cell membranes produce these chemicals which promote inflammation. Prostaglandins are...

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Starch-Smart® Diet Lowers Cholesterol

Starch-Smart® Diet Lowers Cholesterol

Cholesterol is an organic chemical substance resembling a waxy fat which is manufactured by our body's cells, but predominantly made in our liver. It is an essential component of cell membranes and is also important in the formation of male and female hormones, bile acids, and vitamin D. Although cholesterol is a vital component in...

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Don't men have to eat meat to maintain strength and masculinity?

For most men, consuming meat (protein) is associated with "muscle, vitality, strength, power, energy, vigor, aggressiveness, and liveliness." This image comes from clever marketing tactics, promoting the sale of meat as superior protein that sustains masculinity. The truth is, a Starch-Smart® diet provides sufficient nutrients for men of all ages to thrive and build muscle....

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