
Assuming strength is required, the following results were found.

  • Six Salty Foods that Sabotage Heart Health

    support the concept that salt intake is the major factor increasing [blood pressure] in the population. The diversity and strength of the evidence is much greater than other lifestyle factors, for example, overweight, low consumption of fruit and...
  • Why do we Crave High Glycemic Foods?

    Through the series, the audience has been listening intently. They've heard the science of eating plants for health, strength, and energy. They've...
  • Active Lifestyle Personal Challenge

    the dog a couple times a day. So I've decided to start hitting up the gym, lets say at least three times a week, for strength training. I'd like to start a challenge for anyone else who is interested in "uping their game." Because they say it takes 21...
  • Physical activity during pregnancy and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis

    Partaking in physical activity may help safeguard pregnant women from gestational diabetes mellitus. This study focused on the impact physical activity has on gestational diabetes risk during pregnancy. Researcher conducted a comprehensive...
  • Is Milk a Healthy Source of Calcium?

    Calcium is one of the essential minerals needed by the body to function properly. It is the most abundant mineral in the human body, with 99% found in the bones and teeth and 1% in the blood. Calcium is used for building strong bones and teeth , cell...
  • Believe

    Relatively early in my Type-1 diabetes adventure I discovered that a low-fat plant based diet was key to full health. This discovery was due to a frantic effort in blood-sugar control for fear of all the debilitating complications that I had witnessed...
  • Our Beloved Fats and Evil Carbs

    Over the years, our society has discovered new dietary insights. Each new discovery results in a shift to a different and highly popular diet coined with its own name. Currently, some of the most popular diets are Paleo, Mediterranean and the old...
  • Hypothetically - ish

    What If a food was offered to you that had a blissfully satisfying taste, but you were informed that it contained a slow poison that would kill you after about 30 years. What if you were further informed that the poison kills you slowly, progressively...
  • Ken’s Type-1 Diabetes Journey Part 5: Living With Type-1 Diabetes

    As mentioned in “Part 2: Disclaimer”, this is not medical advice. This writing is simply to share what I have learned while managing my own personal Type-1 diabetes. Type-1 diabetes has a very bad reputation, and rightfully so. The diabetic individual...
  • Drew Loses Weight & Gains New Life!

    I don’t much like doctors. In fact, I only made the appointment with Dr. Carney because I needed some medication before heading on a trip out of the country. I had no idea that this one appointment was going to change everything in my life. I’m 6’1”...
  • Could Erectile Dysfunction Save Your Life?

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S ., (killing one out of every three persons ), so it's no surprise that men in the U.S. have the highest percentage of Erectile Dysfunction (ED), since ED is indeed a cardiovascular...
  • Cancer Survival Strategies

    Perhaps no audience is more attentive than those who have been impacted by cancer. Dr. Carney shares stategies for boosting the immune system and teaches which foods, and other lifestyle choices, have been shown to boost immunity and shrink cancers....
  • Vegan Weightlifter Competes in 2016 Olympics

    Kendrick Farris is the only men's weightlifter competing for Team USA in the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. And Kendrick Farris is vegan. At age 14, Farris knew that he wanted to be an Olympian, "but I didn’t know how hard it was to qualify,"...
  • Do You Need a Doctor's Note to Give Up Dairy?

    I was an 18-year-old college student with a big problem. Gas. The issue started seemingly out of nowhere. But the quiet potency of the problem soon had me extremely nervous about any social situation, including my classes. Normally, a college-age woman...
  • Anthropologist Debunks Paleo Diet

    Loren Cordain, PhD, founder of the Paleo Diet movement, says, "The starting place for optimal human diets Ares [sic] the minimally processed fresh meats, seafood, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts that were the staple of our ancestral diet." But...
  • Protect Your Prostate from Cancer

    Prostate Cancer is Very Common Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death for men. The Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine reports that "Prostate cancer is the fourth most common malignancy among men worldwide, with an...
  • Are You Suffering From "Food Poisoning?"

    Food Poisoning? When we hear the scary words "food poisoning," we usually think of a sudden illness caused by eating a "bad" microorganism in a single contaminated food. Dr. John McDougall shows that common chronic illnesses are also caused by eating...
  • Bonebreaker Interview on Happy Herbivore

    We are always grateful for grateful patients, especially when they are giving a shout-out to Dr. Carney in popular online interviews ! This one I want to share for quite a few reasons. First and formost is that Mike is the unlikeliest person you would...
  • Gladiators Were Vegan

    This short video excerpt is from Dr. John McDougall's presentation "The Starch Solution." Dr. McDougall describes the results of an archaeological excavation in Turkey, where they discovered a grave site containing the bodies of 60 Gladiators....

Results 21 - 39 of 39

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