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  about 6 years ago
I don't know if Jessica can or will read this, but thank you Sean for sharing her story! This gives me hope! My Dr. took it upon herself to contact my OBGYN AND a specialist who I have an appointment to consult with at the end of August. I am hoping by then there will be no need for the latter visit. I've started taking Ferrous Glouconate and a B12 vitamin so I'm hoping my iron goes up through diet and that there is no internal bleeding. Not looking forward to a colonoscopy! My dr. has written a standing order for bloodwork once a month until the iron gets to normal. So, come mid July I'm hoping to see drastic results! It just has to be higher than the last reading of 9! Also, like Jessica, I thought my mood swings, depression etc were normal for me. And boy, were they ugly! I can attest that since starting a whole food plant based lifestyle my moods are stabilized! What a joy! what a relief!
  about 6 years ago
Everyone doing a whole foods recommends the stainless steel (which I own) but I also own a cast iron arsenal. Is there a reason no one recommends using the cast iron? I am severely anemic and this is one way to get more iron into my diet. the only thing I can think of is the coating with lard.?
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