
Assuming cholesterol is required, the following results were found.

  • Jessica No Longer Needs Blood Transfusion!

    I was a patient of Dr. Carney for nearly a year before moving out of state. In 2006 I was certified as a natural health practitioner, so I have always been involved in natural health and traditional medicine. I had always believed in resting often and...
  • 21-Day Vegan Kickstart by PCRM

    The PCRM 21-Day Kickstart program is a free to the public program with a lot of support being offered. This is a fast growing program that has been spanning the globe and being produced other languages besides English. There are now Chinese and Spanish...
  • The McDougall 10-day Live-in Program

    In a 10-day program, Dr. McDougall and his team assist their patients in regaining their health. Within just a few days, many see a significant improvement in their diseases and are attributed to a nutritious diet, exercise and improving daily habits....
  • NEWSTART Lifestyle Program

    Nestled in a beautiful setting outside of Sacremento, California, The NEWSTART Lifestyle Program is offered through the Weimar Center of Health and Education. This program focuses on a plant-based diet with an emphasis on whole foods. A healthy...
  • Chef AJ

    Chef AJ, author of Unprocessed, has followed a plant-based diet for over 33 years. With her unique ability to create healthy foods that taste great, she teaches how to easily bring more fresh fruits and vegetables into a diet to prevent and reverse...
  • September 2012 Austin Health Retreat

    We were hired once more by Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet Immersions. This sixth retreat for employees of Whole Foods Market was the first program we were involved with where some slots were opened up for the general public. Up until this time all the...
  • April 2012 Hawaii Health Retreat

    In April of 2012 we were privileged to be invited, again by Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet Immersions, to travel to the Big Island of Hawaii and assist with a fifth week long live-in Health Retreat program. This was a big change for us because until...
  • September 2011 Austin Health Retreat

    For our fourth opportunity with Dr. Carney again hired as Medical Director for Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet Immersions we rented a U-Haul truck and packed up much of the office on Friday September 16th to be transported to Austin's Travaasa Resort...
  • September 2010 Austin Health Retreat

    This was the second chance for Dr. Carney to be hired as the Medical Director for Rip Esselstyn's Engine 2 Diet Immersions, along with assistance from her husband, Sean Carney, and Dr. Carney's Medical Staff. This second health retreat for Whole Foods...
  • March 2010 Austin Health Retreat

    In March of 2010 we were privileged to have had Dr. Carney invited to act as the Medical Director for a series of corporate live-in lifestyle education programs. Dr. Carney, her husband Sean, and Dr. Carney's staff from her medical practice,...
  • What benefits can I see from walking regularly?

    Dr. John McDougall lists a few of the benefits associated with walking regularly in his article: " Achieve 100% Health with Exercise " "Although dietary changes will take you a long way to being completely healthy, you will need some exercise to...
  • Will my children get enough calcium on a Starch-Smart® diet?

    A Starch-Smart® diet supplies adequate levels of calcium for growing children and can be started as soon as solid food is introduced. A well planned, Starch-Smart® diet provides optimal nutrition and powerful protection against childhood illness and...
  • Eating Meat Raises Estrogen at Cellular Levels

    We see the evidence of over estrogenization all around us. Men and women, boys and girls in modern society are all suffering. Over estrogenization is closely related to the amount of excess weight we carry. According to the Center for Disease Control...
  • Cure Cancer by Eating Meat? (Beware of Clickbait)

    Have you ever been tempted to click on the link to an article whose title contained an outrageous proposal? Beware the lure of Clickbait . The titles of these articles suck us in with annoying half-truths. Each time we click, the site earns ad...
  • Finding Relief for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    It is believed that as many as 1.4 million Americans suffer with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Symptoms can include diarrhea, constipation, bowel urgency, stomach pain, cramping, bloating, bloody stools, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, skin...
  • Exercise Your Power to Choose Health

    We often hear the term "lifestyle diseases" bandied about. But what are these diseases? Lifestyle diseases are defined as those negative, chronic health conditions which are brought on by our choices about food, exercise, and the use of substances like...
  • Controlling Weight with Circadian Rhythms

    "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature," said the Chiffon margarine commercial of the 1970s. According to Chiffon, it was possible to "fool Mother Nature," but if we did it — said the commercial — we would suffer the consequences. Today, we know that...
  • How Does Being Constipated Promote Varicose Veins?

    Enlarged varicose veins are not only a cosmetic matter, they can cause aching pain, ulcers, burning, and cramping to varying degrees, and in some cases, more serious complications. The etiology of varicose veins can be multifactorial, says the...
  • Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids — although more than 75% of Americans are affected at some point in their lives, hemorrhoids aren't exactly a topic that everyone enjoys discussing. If you're looking for relief, you'll be glad to know that eating a diet rich in fiber can...
  • Which Beans Contain the Most Antioxidants?

    Beans have sustained a multitude of different cultures for many centuries and have been been called “ the cornerstone of every longevity diet in the world ." Due to their many health benefits, beans are an essential component of a whole-food, low-fat,...

Results 281 - 300 of 326

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