
Assuming cardiovascular is required, the following results were found.

  • Is Diet Superior to Drugs in Lowering Blood Pressure?

    High blood pressure (hypertension) is the leading reason for patients to visit their doctors. It affects the majority of Americans over the age of 65. (Nearly 1 out of every 3 adults in the U.S. and roughly 37% of Americans suffer from...
  • Is Vegan the New Viagra?

    Many men think eating plants is "wimpy" because real men hunt, kill and eat meat for its presumed "superior" (muscle building) protein . On the contrary, a plant-based diet boosts virility/fertility , enhances athletic performance , and supports...
  • Everyone Else is Doing It!

    If you've already decided what you're making for dinner, did any of the following points guide your decision - taste preference, convenience, familiarity, and nutritional or religious/ethical beliefs? Because most people don't have the time or interest...
  • Phytic Acid in Grains? No Problem!

    One of the concerns we hear about eating grains and legumes from the low-carb, high-protein advocates is that grains/nuts/legumes contain a compound called "Inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6)" or better known as the anti-nutrient phytic acid or phytate....
  • Starch-Smarter

    Ideally Suited for: For those wanting to optimize their health and longevity. Requires an openness to changing preferred tastes and habits for increased health benefits. Calories from Fat:...
  • Nutrition CME

    Medical professional seeking Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits as well as a deeper knowledge of scientific reasoning for adopting, and promoting to their patients, a plant-based nutrition program will find a wealth of knowlege at the PCRM and...
  • Eden Valley Institute

    Offering both 10- and 18-day live-in sessions, patients will receive a personalized treatment plan upon careful evaluation on their first day. By following the NEWSTART principles of nutrition, exercise, water, sunlight, temperance, air, rest, and...
  • Health is the Prize at the End of the Rainbow

    "Eating a rainbow" is a popular technique for making nutrition fun for children. Kids are encouraged to eat a wide variety of colorful foods like red watermelon, orange carrots, yellow peppers, green beans, blueberries, and purple grapes — a rainbow of...
  • Estrogen Levels Lower With Fiber-Rich Foods

    "The problem is that the Westernized diet is delicious, easy and fast. It fits into the modern lifestyle," says Stephen O'Keefe, MD , professor of nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. But this fast, easy diet is lacking in...
  • Eating Meat Raises Estrogen at Cellular Levels

    We see the evidence of over estrogenization all around us. Men and women, boys and girls in modern society are all suffering. Over estrogenization is closely related to the amount of excess weight we carry. According to the Center for Disease Control...
  • Finding Relief for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    It is believed that as many as 1.4 million Americans suffer with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Symptoms can include diarrhea, constipation, bowel urgency, stomach pain, cramping, bloating, bloody stools, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, skin...
  • Uncommon Diet Leads to Uncommon Health

    Have you ever tried to "go vegan" and found yourself failing for lack of support? You're not alone. The Humane Research Council (HRC) conducted a study to identify the key reasons people either adopt or give up a vegetarian or vegan diet. The HRC Study...
  • Vegetable Consumption Being Sidelined

    Let's talk about trends. If you're a banana, a carrot, or a head of lettuce, the future isn't looking too bright for you right now. The Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBHF) commissioned a study and found that fruit and vegetable consumption has...
  • Anthropologist Debunks Paleo Diet

    Loren Cordain, PhD, founder of the Paleo Diet movement, says, "The starting place for optimal human diets Ares [sic] the minimally processed fresh meats, seafood, fish, fresh vegetables, fruits and nuts that were the staple of our ancestral diet." But...
  • Endocrine Disrupting Hormones Found in Food

    As a doctor who specializes in nutritional medicine, I stay up-to-date on the most current scientific literature regarding how our food choices impact our health and wellbeing. For this reason, I'd like to share with you the findings of several medical...
  • Following the Finns to Find Finer Health

    The Mediterranean region of the world is famous for its supposed Mediterranean diet. An emphasis on whole plant foods — fresh vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, and replacing butter with a plant-based oil — gives the Mediterranean diet some...
  • Lacto-Fermented Foods Linked to Esophageal Cancer

    Did our ancestors have wisdom that we can recover to help us with our modern health problems? Both the Weston A. Price Foundation and the promoters of Paleolithic diets claim this is the case. They suggest that the deficit of lacto-fermented foods in...
  • Sugar - How Sweet it is!

    We've all heard that white sugar is a refined product that's devoid of any nutrients, and how high-fructose corn syrup has led to an epidemic of obesity and poor health. So it's natural that we look for alternative sweeteners. Although honey,...
  • The "Not-So-Manly" Drawbacks From Eating Meat

    While men associate meat with masculinity, it comes with several "not-so-manly" drawbacks as Dr. McDougall candidly points out in this four-minute video clip . Dr. McDougall passionately forewarns men, using straightforward language, that eating meat...
  • Eat, Don't Toss Those Apple Peels!

    Many people are unsuspectingly throwing away a valuable resource in the fight against cancer. Apple peels have been found to be effective against the proliferation of cancer cells. Dr. Michael Greger's video, Apple Skin: Peeling Back Cancer , shows an...

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