
Assuming vegetables is required, the following results were found.

  • Don't Worry... Be Healthy!

    Do you consider yourself health conscious? Do you ever worry about getting enough nutrients? It seems common for the health conscious to seek out foods with the best and most nutrients. In the beginning of my Type-1 diabetes journey , I was completely...
  • Can a Plant-Based Diet be Used to Detox?

    The New Year brings with it an opportunity to think about ways in which to improve our lives. Eating healthier and losing those unwanted pounds is the most common New Year's resolution. In an attempt to start fresh, and "cleanse" the body, many turn to...
  • Use Caution with Seaweed Consumption

    "Under the sea / Darling it's better / down where it's wetter." And if you're a fish or even a Little Mermaid , that's probably true. But for those of us with two legs firmly planted on land, not everything is better under the sea. Some foods from...
  • Is it true that eating carbohydrates will make me gain weight?

    Whole plant foods, which are rich in both complex and simple carbohydrates, do not promote weight gain and are an essential component of a Starch-Smart® diet. Whole plant foods are low in calories and nutrient-rich. The weight and volume satisfies our...
  • Alcohol Significantly Increases Cancer Risk

    Cancer is the second leading cause of deaths worldwide. Each year, over 12 million people are diagnosed with cancer and more than 7 million persons die from cancer annually. Cancer accounts for nearly 1 in every 6 deaths recorded worldwide. These...
  • Dr. John McDougall Offers Label Reading Advice

    Eating a whole-food, nutrient-rich, oil-free, plant-based diet focuses on consuming foods that aren't sold in a package or have a label. As Dr. Michael Klaper likes to say " Eat food as grown !" In other words, choose food items that are as close as...
  • Can a Starch-Smart® diet help me lose excess weight?

    Although there are many ways to lose weight, a Starch-Smart® diet has been proven to be the safest and most healthful way to achieve permanent weight loss without having to count calories, measure portions, or adding points . Replacing animal products,...
  • Phytic Acid in Grains? No Problem!

    One of the concerns we hear about eating grains and legumes from the low-carb, high-protein advocates is that grains/nuts/legumes contain a compound called "Inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6)" or better known as the anti-nutrient phytic acid or phytate....
  • NFL Player David Carter Proves Carnivorous Skeptics Wrong

    Psychological studies show that men from Western cultures associate consuming meat with masculinity, virility, high testosterone levels/libido, power and physical strength. The belief that meat is a superior masculine food permeates most gyms, athletic...
  • A Visual Guide To Healthy Eating

    Upon deciding to make changes towards a more health-supporting diet many people wonder what food to put on their plate . If this is you then a good graphical representation can be worth a thousand words. There are many valuable visual representations...
  • How do You Spell Relief?

    How do you spell relief? Many people would respond by singing their answer, "R-O-L-A-I-D-S" to the tune of the famous 1970's advertising slogan which sold Rolaids, a popular antacid tablet. But, as you can see in the illustration above the best way to...
  • Statins Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk

    Is your cholesterol on the high side ? Then, there is a great chance that your physician will want to place you on statins. “ Statins ”, known scientifically as HMG CoA inhibitors, are a class of drugs that reduce the concentration of cholesterol in...
  • Hoping for Health but Missing the Mark?

    "There was a party at work, but there was next to nothing I could eat except the Oreos. At least they were vegan!" I hear this sort of reasoning every day in my practice. And I totally understand it. For years, I was a tater-tot vegetarian and thought...
  • Lower Your Cholesterol Using Fiber!

    If you're tired of all the side effects from taking statins to reduce your cholesterol, you may be interested in trying another approach that's safe, side-effect free, and shown to reduce cholesterol more than statins . What does this new approach...
  • Are Allergies Linked to Nutritional Factors?

    As someone who suffered from asthma and allergies since childhood, I'm very familiar with the tight breathing, the nasal congestion, and the throat irritation associated with those conditions. For most of my life, I'd eaten what I thought was a pretty...
  • Neal Barnard, MD

    Dr. Barnard has authored many nutrition books and conducted research on reversing diabetes though diet in conjunction with Georgetown University. He founded the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) in 1985, a group which promotes...
  • Can Diet Influence the Onset of Early Puberty?

    An alarming trend is taking place in the United States today that's affecting the health and wellbeing of our children. The rate at which our children are going through puberty has increased significantly between 1997 and 2010. Before the 20th century,...
  • Drew Loses Weight & Gains New Life!

    I don’t much like doctors. In fact, I only made the appointment with Dr. Carney because I needed some medication before heading on a trip out of the country. I had no idea that this one appointment was going to change everything in my life. I’m 6’1”...
  • These are Your Abs... on Plant Foods

    Meet Frank exceptional and powerful bodybuilder known for his "superhuman" bodyweight calisthenics. Medrano's impressive ability to defy the law of gravity astounds many. Watch one of his amazing workouts here . What may be even more...
  • Isn't Some Cholesterol Actually Healthy?

    Cholesterol is a naturally occurring, waxy substance primarily synthesized by the liver. Cholesterol is necessary to form cell membranes, to produce hormones like testosterone and estrogen, to transform sunlight into Vitamin D which helps build our...

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