
Assuming osteoporosis is required, the following results were found.

  • Forks Over Knives Livestream Q&A

    If you have watched the impressive Forks Over Knives documentary, then you are familiar with Dr. Matthew Lederman, one of the many plant-based doctors featured in this film. In the live-stream Q&A video below, Doctors Matthew Lederman and Alona Pulde...
  • Diet Offers Relief From Autoimmune Conditions

    Debbie Cockrell spent many years suffering from numerous health conditions including pneumonia, depression, breast cancer, bronchitis, sinus problems and considerable crippling pain from her rheumatoid arthritis. She would wake up crying, with terrible...
  • Avoid the Negative Effects From Dairy by Choosing Plant Foods for Calcium

    Calcium is a mineral found in the ground and is absorbed by the roots of plants. Contrary to what the dairy industry wants us to believe, whole plant foods contain sufficient amounts of calcium to support every stage of our life after infancy....

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