
Did you mean: many disease?

  • Antioxidants in Coffee vs. Vegetables

    Over the years, many of my patients have been addicts. Of course, they don't think of themselves that way. The word "addict" is pretty loaded and usually suggests something illegal. But coffee addiction is perfectly legal, and in fact, many people...
  • Is Your Bad Breath Caused by Foods High in Sulfur?

    Let's face it...halitosis, or bad breath...stinks! Approximately 60% of Americans complain of having bad breath. This common condition creates much social anxiety and can certainly hinder one's personal relationships. If you've searched the Internet...
  • Water Fast Shrinks Cancer and Other Fasting Studies

    Our bodies have a miraculous ability to heal from lifestyle related diseases ! We should, however, stop doing the things which brought on our disease conditions in the first place. When we stop putting fuel on a fire, the fire goes out. This is how...
  • Lacto-Fermented Foods Linked to Esophageal Cancer

    Did our ancestors have wisdom that we can recover to help us with our modern health problems? Both the Weston A. Price Foundation and the promoters of Paleolithic diets claim this is the case. They suggest that the deficit of lacto-fermented foods in...
  • Decline in Mental Function Seen After Bypass Surgery

    The statistics are distressing. Eighty-one million Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease, making it our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women. Every year, 1.5 million people suffer a heart attack in the U.S., killing 1 out of...
  • What Causes Leaky Gut?

    The origin of many serious health conditions including autoimmune disease can be traced back to a condition called increased intestinal permeability, or better known as "leaky gut syndrome." You may be thinking, "How can my gut possibly be related to...
  • Following the Finns to Find Finer Health

    The Mediterranean region of the world is famous for its supposed Mediterranean diet. An emphasis on whole plant foods — fresh vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains, and replacing butter with a plant-based oil — gives the Mediterranean diet some...
  • Six Salty Foods that Sabotage Heart Health

    "A large number of studies have been conducted, all of which support the concept that salt intake is the major factor increasing [blood pressure] in the population. The diversity and strength of the evidence is much greater than other lifestyle...
  • Using Diet to Prevent and Treat Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids — although more than 75% of Americans are affected at some point in their lives, hemorrhoids aren't exactly a topic that everyone enjoys discussing. If you're looking for relief, you'll be glad to know that eating a diet rich in fiber can...
  • Is GERD a Symptom of a Hiatal Hernia?

    Half of the adults living in America who consume the rich Western diet have permanently stretched the diaphragm that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity. Many patients are unaware that they have stretched their diaphragm; some...
  • Do You Have the 4 Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors?

    Researchers looked at the effect of four healthy lifestyle characteristics on 13 cardiovascular biomarkers including blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting insulin. They found that the more of the healthy lifestyle characteristics a...
  • Women's Health is More Than Gynecology

    When the presentation was over and the question session started, I found myself staring at dozens of hands popping up like sweet summer corn bursting through warm, fertile ground. For 45 minutes, I answered question after question from the audience who...
  • Exercise Your Power to Choose Health

    We often hear the term "lifestyle diseases" bandied about. But what are these diseases? Lifestyle diseases are defined as those negative, chronic health conditions which are brought on by our choices about food, exercise, and the use of substances like...
  • Finding Relief for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

    It is believed that as many as 1.4 million Americans suffer with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Symptoms can include diarrhea, constipation, bowel urgency, stomach pain, cramping, bloating, bloody stools, fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, skin...
  • Eating to Avoid Debilitating Alzheimer's Disease

    "Dad is 81 now. His once-brilliant mind has been ravaged by dementia. He doesn’t know my name. He rarely says two sentences in a row that make any sense," writes Grammy-award winning singer/songwriter Amy Grant. Her father was once a respected...
  • Milk Makes Estrogen Levels Rise

    Moo-ve over, Reality; we've gotta make room for the dairy producers. And the dairy producers have a version of reality they'd really like us to believe. The California Milk Advisory Board has launched a beautiful new marketing campaign , "Return to...
  • Statin Drugs and Cholesterol Reduction

    Heart disease has become our nation's number one killer, with coronary heart disease being the most common type of heart disease, causing more than 385,000 deaths per year. This results in a heart attack occurring within every 30-40 seconds. Having a...
  • Starch-Smartish

    Ideally Suited for: Those wanting to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables while moving toward a more natural, whole-food diet without completely changing their current eating style. Calories from Fat:...
  • Unprecedented Obesity Increases in Only 25 Years

    We are greatly saddened by the increasing obesity trends in America knowing that obesity is a precursor to unnecessary disease, suffering and premature death. Millions of people are effected! After clicking through the Obesity Trends slides from the...
  • Is Olive Oil Really "Heart Healthy?"

    Olive oil is as American as baseball and apple pie. Its monounsaturated omega-3's have long been touted for being "heart healthy." But if olive oil ready did protect our hearts from heart disease, then why do one out of every three Americans die from...

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