By Research Summaries on January 29, 2020
Category: High Fiber

Dietary total and insoluble fiber intakes are inversely associated with prostate cancer risk.

Increased intake of foods high in insoluble fiber, such as legumes, may help curb the development of prostate cancer.

​This study was carried out to confirm the protective effect of dietary fiber against prostate cancer. Researchers studied the diet and health of 3,313 men for an average period of 12.6 years. During the course of the study, a total of 139 participants were diagnosed with prostate cancer. 

Researchers noted that men who consumed the most amounts of foods rich in insoluble fiber, such as legumes, had lower risk of having prostate cancer than their colleagues who refrained from eating these foods. The results of this study highlight the importance of foods rich in insoluble fiber in the prevention of prostate cancer.

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