By Research Summaries on January 28, 2022
Category: Dietary Antioxidants

Association of dietary total antioxidant capacity with depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders: A systematic review of observational studies

Preference for foods high in antioxidants may help knock down an individual's odds of experiencing depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

​This study assessed how dietary intake of antioxidant-rich foods influences an individual's risk of suffering from anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. Researchers conducted a meticulous meta-analysis on data extracted from 7 studies that examined more than 3,000 persons. 

Researchers discovered that the higher the amounts and frequency of consumption of foods packed with antioxidants, the better protected an individual is from anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders. This study highlights the important role antioxidant-containing foods play in the prevention of depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders.

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