By Ken Thomas on January 15, 2015
Category: Condition Related

Ken's Type-1 Diabetes Journey: Control

My previous doctor(s) informed me that no matter how diligently I controlled my diabetes that I will still suffer diabetic complications. I believe this is said because the conventionally prescribed A1C levels of 6 to 7 percent, for Type-1 diabetics are damagingly high. Further evidence is that my energy levels are lower in the 6 to 7 range as when it is in the normal, non-diabetic 4 to 6 range. In fact the difference in energy / feel-good level is quite profound. With that, my interest was / is to maintain normal – non-diabetic blood-sugars at ALL times (70 mg/dl to 100 mg/dl); not just average or fasting, but always, even after an uncomfortably stuffed high carb meal. And by the way - still no diabetic complications. J

Conventional wisdom for diabetic management is to diligently avoid sugar [carbohydrates]. Everything else goes - just no sugar. Learning diabetic management without conventional wisdom, however, has revealed that sugar is not an issue at all. It is fat and animal products that make sugar an issue. That seems to be a fundamental difference between conventional diabetes management and the management method that I have learned to enjoy.

As mentioned in previous posts, including My Story and Fad Diets Part 2, I discovered the optimum diet by trial-and-error test-and-measure logging. This was, fortunately, due to a lack of otherwise functional information and support. This was equally true regarding blood-sugar control. The result is a rather unconventional control method.

Conventional Type-1 diabetic control is an attempt to mimic the natural biological method where the pancreas senses blood-sugar and secrets insulin into the blood stream in response. The problem with that method is the subcutaneous injected insulin does not track exactly the same as pancreas insulin. Insulin / energy requirements vary from minute to minute – much too fast for injected insulin. To compensate, conventional Type-1 diabetes recommendations call for chronic elevated blood-sugars; A1C numbers between 6 and 7 and blood-sugar levels up to 240 mg/dl. This is for safety reasons; the high numbers provide a buffer to prevent life threatening hypoglycemia (usually referred to as a low). With my control scheme, however, there is no worry about going low; in fact, going low is an intended element of the control method. I know, this sounds crazy, and, no, the intent is not really to end up with low blood-sugar. Instead, it is to only head that way. Please read on…

Below is a bulleted description of the method I use to safely maintain normal, non-diabetic blood-sugars:

With direct control of both directions of blood-sugar migration using double testing, preemptive insulin injections for continuous downward blood-sugar bias, fine-tuned with snacks, it is possible to maintain flatter blood-sugar levels than a normal, health non-diabetic because the non-diabetic’s blood-sugar is always controlled after-the-fact. That is; blood-sugar has to rise before the pancreas can respond.

The description of this method may seem hard, busy and consuming, however once you get used to it, it feels perfectly natural. And, I enjoy all the snacks throught the day! Over all these years, the Type-1 diabetes and my control method has never been a restriction on my life - indeed, it has been an enhancement! I feel that if I am going to have a “dreaded disease”, I might as well use it to my advantage!

IMPORTANT: please see my disclaimer.

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