By Ken Thomas on February 27, 2018
Category: Condition Related

Cancer Simplified

Sometimes In life, the most epiphany level revelations are simply a matter of connecting the dots of knowledge you already have.

This blog is to share the education learned from our experience with Callie's Cancer. As with most subjects, after connecting the dots of complexities, the essence of the subject becomes vividly clear and simple. These past 20 months has been amazingly educational; connecting many dots between digestive anatomy, food chain and the relationship between food, inflammation and cancer. As the connections between them becomes clear, a flood of answers is revealed, and misconceptions cleared.

Highlights of what we have learned:
* Cats (and likely all carnivores) are not immune to inflammations from eating meat.
* Cats (and likely all carnivores) are not immune to cholesterol and cardiovascular issues.
* Feeding a cat vegan is not the same as feeding a horse meat.
* At the beginning of this effort, I believed that herbivores and carnivores were polar opposites. This education, however, reveals that it is not polar at all. It is a serial, linear life-line that begins with plants and ends with carnivores.
* Meat, dairy or any derivative of any animal is not a nutrition source. It is a way-station. I previously believed that animals created nutrients (such as protein) that are not available from plants, but now I realize that is a misconception. The reality is that herbivores have the anatomy to extract all nutrients from plants (including protein) while carnivores are missing much of that anatomy. Instead, carnivores get their nutrients from eating the herbivore, that ate and extracted the nutrients from the plants. The herbivore (prey animal) is a nutrient way-station for the carnivore and all nutrients (including protein) that originated in plants.

What is cancer?
Connecting the dots between the many sources of information reveals that cancer is simply a construct of chronic inflammation. The dots (sources) involved in this effort is simply too numerous to list, but a short-list includes; books, lectures, published scientific studies, observations, family tragedy, friends, individuals and of course, Callie: all pointing in the same direction. Possibly the final tying together of all these hundreds of dots occurred in a live lecture by Dr. John McDougall. The simple, clarified revelation from the connection of all these dots is that cancer is simply a state of run-a-way inflammation.

Inflammation, from any cause, results in cellular damage. Intuitively, cell damage prompts cell regrowth. As the damage perpetuates, the cells reproduction rate likewise increases. Eventually, a break-over point is reached where the cells loses reproduction control. And, that is cancer. Basically; no inflammation = no cancer. It is considered that a tumor is the cancer and that a tumor often metastasizes to other parts of the body. Truth is; the inflammation that results in cancer was already there long before growing into a detectable tumor.

In my electronics design engineering career, I have direct experience with the of law-of-physics that ensures all conversions occur with loss - regardless of subject. The more conversions the more loss. The life-line starts with photosynthesis in plants assembling water and minerals into nutrients with photon energy from the sun. An animal eating the plants is another set of conversions; another level of loss. As can be seen in biology class, all animals have a significant percentage of their anatomy dedicated to loss, also known as waste. Being at the beginning of the life line, plants have the least loss. So little that they have no need for waste removal organs such as intestines, kidneys, cardiovascular, lymph, etc. systems.

The life-line starts with photosynthesis in plants, then to animals called herbivores that eat the plants, then animals called carnivores (which include cats) that eat the herbivores. There are very few carnivores that eat carnivores. Herbivores are known as prey animals, because they are more nutritious than carnivores because they are further up the life-line towards the nutrient source: plants, thus fewer nutrient conversions = less loss. Along that line, nutrition density starts with plants and decline with each conversion (step). Each conversion is an animal or organism consuming the nutrients for their construction and energy.

Why is animal protein inflammatory - carcinogenic?
Protein from plants is primarily provided by the original amino acids that are then assembled into protein by the herbivore's DNA. Protein for a carnivore (or any animal that ate meat) must disassemble the protein it got from eating the herbivore back into the original amino acids, that came from the plant, and then rebuild it into protein in compliance with the carnivore's DNA. Remember; there is loss with every conversion, which means, not all of the animal's protein gets disassembled. The remaining protein is waste, thus removed by the waste management systems; intestines, kidneys, etc. Unfortunately, there is loss in that process as well, resulting in intact animal proteins entering the body cavity and blood stream where it is transported, collecting in tissues throughout the body. I believe we are all aware that patients that receive an organ transplant requires anti-rejection drugs. These drugs inhibit the immune system from attacking the foreign, transplanted organ. The immune system regards Intact animal proteins as foreign because it is constructed by a different DNA. Thus, the immune system attacks it. And, as always, there is loss in that process as well, resulting in collateral damage; also known as inflammation. Remember; no inflammation = no cancer.

Patrik Baboumian, world record-holding strongman, was asked how he could get as strong as an ox without eating any meat. His answer was, "have you ever seen an ox eating meat?"

Please understand that I am not a medical professional in any capacity. This writing is only to share my experience and what I have learned from it.

Nothing in life is more inhibiting, failing or debilitating than the belief; "I Can't."
Nothing in life is more freeing, enabling or successful than the belief; "I Can."


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