
Assuming sugar is required, the following results were found.

  • Plant-Strong Kid-Friendly Snack Ideas

    If you're starting to make the transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet, then you have probably noticed that eating out can be quite a challenge. Social gatherings can also be intimidating, frustrating, tempting, and honestly... sometimes...
  • Dairy Promotes Type-1 Diabetes

    Type-1 diabetes is a serious illness where the pancreas stops producing insulin. This type of diabetes is seen mainly in children and used to be known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. Hearing this diagnosis can be very devastating...
  • Cow's Milk is Baby Calf Growth Fluid

    Out of the 5,000 different mammalian species, human beings are the only mammals that continue to drink milk after weaning, and then they drink it from another species. There are several reasons why we do so. For example, we were taught in school and by...
  • Eggs Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk

    The higher the consumption of eggs, the greater the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Unfortunately, the United States is among the top egg consuming nations in the...
  • M.O.D.E.R.N Diet Destructive to Human Beings

    So often we think of MODERN as good, or even best, and often it is when we consider technological advances and all that technology has done for us (although there are negative effects as well). Nevertheless, the one place where MODERN is decidedly NOT...
  • Statins Increase Peripheral Neuropathy Risk

    Statins are among the biggest selling drugs in the United States. Millions of Americans pop these cholesterol-lowering pills every day to reduce their risk of heart disease and stroke. Unfortunately, statins have been associated with a wide range of...
  • Health Festival and Clothing Give-Away

    ​Many people came out to receive health education, have their vitals checked, and receive free clothing along with other household supplies, at HealthCheck, sponsored by the Austin South Adventist Church. Who would have imagined that so many people...
  • 3 Diseases Whole Grains May Help Prevent

    The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend the consumption of 3 to 5 servings of whole grains for adults and 2 to 3 servings for children. Unfortunately, a large number of adults and children in the US are consuming too much refined grain flour...

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