
Assuming kidney is required, the following results were found.

  • Is Your Bad Breath Caused by Foods High in Sulfur?

    Let's face it...halitosis, or bad breath...stinks! Approximately 60% of Americans complain of having bad breath. This common condition creates much social anxiety and can certainly hinder one's personal relationships. If you've searched the Internet...
  • Suppress Cancer Cells With Onions and Garlic!

    Do you frequently eat foods from the Allium family? This group includes onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, scallions, and green onions. If not, you may want to start including these foods as much as possible. Eating foods from the Allium family has shown...
  • Should we be Concerned about Phytic Acid?

    Inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6) is the scientific name of what is commonly known as phytic acid, or simply "phytate." Phytate is a naturally occurring phytochemical found in grains, legumes, and nuts. It is often referred to as an "anti-nutrient."...
  • Eat Tomatoes for a Healthy Heart!

    Red is a Heart-Healthy Color Red foods like tomatoes, watermelon, sweet red peppers, red grapefruit, and papaya all contain a powerful, heart-healthy carotenoid called lycopene. According to an article by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, You Say Tomato--We Say...
  • Fiber's Role in Preventing Breast Cancer

    What is Fiber and What is its Purpose Besides "Keeping us Regular?" The word "fiber" may bring many thoughts to our minds. Helping us "stay regular" would be the most prominent thought for most of us. This is certainly true; however, fiber plays a much...
  • Are You "Dying" to Lose Weight?

    High-protein, low-carbohydrate diets, such as the Atkins diet, have become very popular, but is it possible to safely lose weight on such a diet without damaging our health? Dr. Joel Fuhrman addresses this concern in his article, The Atkins Cancer...

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