
Assuming cancer is required, the following results were found.

  • Dietary Carbohydrates, Fiber, Whole Grain and the Risk of Lung Cancer: Conclusions from the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial (PLCO)

    Avid consumption of carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains may help hinder the development of cancerous cells and tumors in the lungs. This study analyzed the effect high dietary ingestion of carbohydrate-containing foods has on an...
  • Dietary phytoestrogen intake and lung cancer risk: an analysis of the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian (PLCO) cancer screening trial

    Following a diet rich in phytoestrogens may boost an individual's defense against lung cancer. This study reviewed dietary intake of phytoestrogens and its impact on the lung cancer risk. Researchers collected and analyzed dietary information from...
  • Cancer incidence attributable to red and processed meat consumption in Alberta in 2012

    Adhering to a high red and processed meat diet may result in increased rate of occurrence of colorectal cancer. This study assessed the colorectal cancer-promoting effect of red and processed meats. Data on the meat intake levels and colorectal cancer...
  • Smoking and nasopharyngeal cancer: individual data meta-analysis of six prospective studies on 334 935 men

    Smoking may spur the development of nasopharyngeal cancer in men. This research work studied the smoking-nasopharyngeal connection hypothesis. Data from 334,935 men who volunteered for 6 studies were assessed for this study. Researchers noticed that...
  • Meat Consumption Linked to Cancer in 1907

    Cancer is the second leading cause of death in America, taking the lives of hundreds of thousands of patients each year. Despite over 40 years of scientific research dedicated to win the war on cancer, mortality rates continue to climb. Most people...
  • Animal Fat Increases Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

    According to The National Institutes of Health–AARP Diet and Health Study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, researchers concluded a positive correlation between pancreatic cancer and saturated fat, especially from animal...
  • Secondhand smoke exposure and risk of lung cancer in Japan: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies.

    Individuals who are regularly exposed to secondhand smoke may have a high tendency to develop lung cancer. This study examined the effect of exposure to secondhand smoke on lung cancer risk in Japanese men and women. Researchers conducted a systematic...
  • How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

    blood pressure, and how foods from animal sources promote inflammation. Diseases of the lung - Chapter 2 discusses lung cancer, smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and asthma. Diseases of the brain - Chapter 3 examines the link...
  • Preventing and Surviving Breast Cancer

    dietary factors known to promote the growth of cancer cells have been known for many years. Studies show that the rate of cancer in a population is directly proportional to the percent of animal fat consumed in the diet of that population. Evidence...
  • The Association of Consumption of Animal Proteins and the Risk of Esophageal Cancer

    from chicken with skin, red meat, and processed meat products to our diet may drive up our risk of having esophageal cancer. This study determined whether an association exists between regular dietary exposure to animal proteins and increased risk of...
  • Higher dietary fiber intake associated with better survival in male but not female cancer patients: Evidence from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2014

    Boarding the high fiber diet train may drive up a man's chances of surviving cancer. This study aimed to determine the impact of consuming diets high in fiber-containing foods on the burden of cancer mortality. Researchers looked at the eating habits...
  • Animal Protein "Turns On" Cancer Genes

    video clip featuring Dr. T. Colin Campbell. He discusses how our dietary choices can either "turn on" or "turn off" cancer cell growth. Dr. Campbell's groundbreaking discovery came when he explored the relationship between nutrition and cancer while...
  • A Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Dietary Fiber Intake and Breast Cancer Risk

    Sticking to a high fiber diet may help combat the development of breast cancer. The purpose of this meta-analysis was to confirm the protective effect of high fiber diet against breast cancer. Researchers studied data and evidence extracted from 10...
  • Systematic review of the impact of a plant-based diet on prostate cancer incidence and outcomes

    Joining the plant-based diet train may improve a man's chances of staying free from prostate cancer. This study assessed if eating a plant-based diet is tied to lower risk of prostate cancer using a meta-analytic approach. Researchers analyzed data...
  • Dose-risk relationships between cigarette smoking and cervical cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis

    Cigarette smoking may facilitate the transformation of normal cells in the cervix into cancerous tumors. This study focused on the role of cigarette smoking in the development of cervical cancer. Researchers performed a meticulous meta-analysis on data...
  • High-Fat Diet as a Risk Factor for Breast Cancer: A Meta-Analysis

    Preference for fatty foods may bump up breast cancer risk in women. This meta-analysis evaluated the results of previously published studies that focused on the correlation between high dietary intake of fatty foods and a woman's chances of being...
  • Dietary fat and breast cancer mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Generous consumption of high fat diets may tilt the odds of suffering from deaths due to breast cancer against women. This meta-analysis assessed a woman's risk of dying from breast cancer in relation to the intake of fatty foods. Researchers sifted...
  • Association between Alcohol Intake and Prostate Cancer Mortality and Survival

    The odds of developing lethal prostate cancer may be stacked against high consumers of alcohol. This study investigated the alcohol-prostate cancer connection theory. Researchers utilized data obtained from 19 studies. Researchers discovered that...
  • Weight Gain and Alcohol Drinking Associations with Breast Cancer Risk in Japanese Postmenopausal Women - Results from the Japan Collaborative Cohort (JACC) Study

    Frequent drinking of alcohol may induce the development of breast cancer, especially in overweight and obese women. This study examined the role alcohol consumption and body weight play in the development of breast cancer in women. Out of the 38,610...
  • Association between Smokeless Tobacco Use and Waterpipe Smoking and the Risk of Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Current Epidemiological Evidence

    Users of waterpipe and smokeless tobacco may have a high probability of developing lung cancer. This meta-analysis synthesized evidence from previously published studies that focused on the connection between the usage of smokeless tobacco and...

Results 381 - 400 of 1000

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