By Research Summaries on February 1, 2016
Category: High Protein

Dietary protein and weight reduction: a statement for healthcare professional from the Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism of the American Heart Association.

High-protein diets may elevate the risk of developing different renal, bone, liver, and heart diseases.

High-protein diets increase the risk of developing cardiac, liver, renal, and bone diseases, according to a statement released by the Nutrition Committee of the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism of the American Heart Association. Members of this committee reviewed several studies on the role of high-protein diets in weight loss.

These experts discovered that high-protein diets promoted weight reduction through the loss of body fluids, calorie restriction, fat burning, insulin resistance, and ketosis-induced appetite suppression. Weight loss programs based on high-protein diets were found to encourage high consumption of animal fat (saturated and total fat) and cholesterol but restrict intakes of carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins, therefore denying the body of essential nutrients.

Individuals on high-protein diets are, therefore, at risk of developing several nutrient-deficiency diseases associated with the bones, kidneys, liver, and heart.

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