By Sean Carney on May 8, 2013
Category: Live-in Programs

NEWSTART Lifestyle Program

Nestled in a beautiful setting outside of Sacremento, California, The NEWSTART Lifestyle Program is offered through the Weimar Center of Health and Education. This program focuses on a plant-based diet with an emphasis on whole foods. A healthy exercise routine and physical activity are an important part of the balanced program. The medically-supervised program is individualized for each patient and aims to provide a healing of mindy, body, and soul. Within 18 days, patients who arrived with significant health problems will leave with remarkable results. The attentive and knowledgable staff helps patients with the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical aspects to achieve an overall increase in health.

The following diseases medical issues are treated in the NEWSTART Lifestyle Program:

Cooking intrustors, dietitians, massage therapists, exercise therapists, California board certified physicians and, nurses provide 24-hour care and are an invaluable tool to patients' success. Far from an ordinary health program, patients will be eating and walking with their physicians, attending appointments, and learning the foundation of their new lifestyle in a hands-on approach.

Aside from the daily physician lectures to understand how to restore their health, patients will have many options to choose from in their hydrotherapy sessions, which detoxifies, boosts the immune system, and increases vascular circulation. After a relaxing hydrotherapy treatment, patients are then treated to a therapeutic massage.

While staying at the NEWSTART Lodge, guests are provided a private room and beathroom with three plant-based meals each day and an option to have their significant other or family member accompany them for support.

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