
Assuming coronary is required, and heart is required, and disease is required, the following results were found.

  • More Cardiologists Recommending Plant-Based Diet

    It's exciting to see more doctors learning how dietary excellence plays a major role in the prevention and reversal of disease! Dr. Kim A. Williams, a cardiologist at Rush University in Chicago (and the next president of the American College of...
  • Pomegranate's Powerful Health Benefits

    Pomegranate season is here! This beautiful fruit provides numerous health benefits and can be used to embellish many holiday dishes. According to two of Dr. Joel Fuhrman's articles, the time spent seeding this fruit is well worth it. The phytochemical...
  • Who has Heart Disease? Everyone?

    Heart Disease Kills One Out of Every Three People - Will You be Next? The statistics are distressing. Heart disease is our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women. "More than 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year, with...
  • Medical Care = Third Leading Cause of Death

    "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." These are wise words spoken by Hippocrates , an ancient Greek physician that is "considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine." The Hippocratic Oath which is named after...
  • Sharp Cholesterol Crystals Cut - Causing Casualties!

    In my previous blog, How do the Majority of Heart Attacks Occur? Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. demonstrates how the greatest percentage of heart attacks ( 87.5% ) occur when newly formed plaques on the inside of our arteries rupture, causing a clot to...
  • Linda Carney, MD

    Dr. Carney became a vegetarian at nine years of age when a new step-father entered into her life who did not eat meat. The vegetarian philosophy she was raised with included the eating of dairy products, plenty of eggs, processed foods, fake meat...
  • Starch-Smart® Diet Lowers Cholesterol

    Cholesterol is an organic chemical substance resembling a waxy fat which is manufactured by our body's cells, but predominantly made in our liver. It is an essential component of cell membranes and is also important in the formation of male and female...
  • Is Vegan the New Viagra?

    Many men think eating plants is "wimpy" because real men hunt, kill and eat meat for its presumed "superior" (muscle building) protein . On the contrary, a plant-based diet boosts virility/fertility , enhances athletic performance , and supports...
  • Managing Symptoms vs Treating the Illness

    Changing one's beliefs and eating habits can be a very difficult thing to do, especially living in a modern world where our culture believes "more is better." In order to thrive, we're told we need more protein, more fat, more vitamin supplements and...
  • Should a Vegan Diet be Considered Child Neglect?

    Occasionally, it happens. Loving parents who've read the research on the advantages of a plant-based diet are accused of neglecting their children by refusing to give them animal products. Currently in Italy, there is proposed legislation that would...
  • Win the War on Coffee Addiction

    Coffee, Java, Espresso, Mocha, Frappuccino, Cafe Latte.... These names of coffee no doubt produce a pleasing aroma to many. Coffee's ability to enhance mood, physical activity, and mental performance makes it a widely consumed beverage. Many popular...
  • What's in Your Holiday Turkey Besides Stuffing?

    Traditional holiday celebrations typically feature a turkey or other poultry product as the centerpiece of the meal. In fact, 46 million turkeys are eaten every Thanksgiving and 22 million for Christmas in the United States. Yet consuming poultry...

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