By Linda Carney MD on August 20, 2013
Category: Health Issues

Optimal Health Begins at Infancy?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mothers choosing to breastfeed their baby is a trend on the rise. This is very good news. There are many health benefits associated with breastfeeding for both mother and baby. There are also some very important pre-pregnancy and pregnancy factors to consider.

An article by Dr. Joel Fuhrman lists some of the benefits of breastfeeding and also explains that, "Proper nutrition is vitally important to health during all stages of life, and especially during the rapid cellular growth that occurs during fetal development and infancy. Early nutrition is a significant determinant of long-term health, and it starts with a woman's nutritional status even before she becomes pregnant, followed by good nutrition throughout pregnancy and nursing, and then setting a good nutritional example for children. Breastfeeding is most protective of a child's health when the mother is in good health."

Some of the many benefits of breastfeeding for the child include:

Some of the many benefits of breastfeeding for the mother include:

Read the full article, by Joel Fuhrman MD, here.

Additional Resources:

1) Healthy Diets Start in the Womb

2) Healthy Eating for Life for Children

3) Plant-Based Nutrition for Kids

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