By Linda Carney MD on October 22, 2014
Category: Health Issues

Eat Orange to Fight Breast Cancer!

"Orange is the New Pink this Breast Cancer Awareness Month"

Pink ribbons are everywhere - symbolizing October as National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Thousands of products are heavily marketed with the promise that a small portion will be donated to breast cancer research. However, Dr. Neal Barnard suggests that "Women across the country should swap their pink ribbons for orange vegetables this Breast Cancer Awareness Month if they really want to improve their odds of fighting the disease that kills tens of thousands of women each year."

According to Dr. Barnard's article Orange is the New Pink, "The latest research shows that women who consume the most carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables reduce their risk for breast cancer by about 19 percent. Carotenoids are colorful pigments found in plants that provide an ample supply of cancer-fighting antioxidants. The Institute of Medicine encourages women to consume 3 to 6 milligrams of beta-carotene—a carotenoid in dark green, orange, and red vegetables—each day to reduce the risk of breast cancer. One medium sweet potato contains two to three times the recommended dietary intake of beta-carotene, which will help reduce the risk for cancer and boost the immune system." Other good sources of beta-carotene include:

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Dr. Barnard's article adds: "In addition to carotenoid-rich vegetables, natural soy products, such as edamame and soy beans, provide protective benefits for cancer prevention and overall health. Women should limit or avoid alcohol, dairy products, and red and processed meat products."

For more information regarding fighting and preventing breast/prostate cancer, click on Dr. Carney's Cancer Pinterest Board.

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