By Linda Carney MD on September 10, 2014
Category: Health Issues

Dr. McDougall’s Ten Favorite One-Liners

If you have recently made the transition to a whole-food, plant-based diet you will enjoy reading Dr. John McDougall's Ten Favorite One-Liners

Here are a few topics Dr. McDougall addresses in his article:

"Did you know..."

  1. The fat you eat is the fat you wear.
  2. Starches make you thin.
  3. Sugars do not ordinarily turn into fat.
  4. Sugar satisfies the hunger drive.
  5. Protein deficiency is impossible, even on a vegan diet.
  6. There is no such thing as dietary calcium deficiency.
  7. Plants, not fish, make all omega-3 (good) fats.
  8. Taking vitamin supplements will increase cancer, heart disease, and death.
  9. In Order to Get "the Cure," You Must Stop the Cause.
  10. People love to hear good news about their bad habits.

And of course, his most recent one..."It's the food!"


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