Including more coarse grains in our diet may offer us significant protection against cardiometabolic diseases, such as diabetes and ischemic stroke.

This study assessed whether an association exists between high dietary ingestion of coarse grains, such as millet, sorghum, and corn, and the probability of developing cardiometabolic diseases, such as stroke and diabetes. Researchers evaluated 461,047 Chinese men and women with regards to their dietary choices and incidence of cardiometabolic diseases. 

Researchers observed that frequent consumers of coarse grains enjoyed a significant reduction in their chances of suffering from diabetes and ischemic stroke compared to their colleagues who refrained from eating these plant foods. A 13% and 14% decrease in ischemic stroke and diabetes respectively was found among participants who ate additional 100 grams of coarse grains per day in this study. The findings of this study revealed that adopting a diet rich in coarse grains may help hinder the development of diabetes and ischemic stroke.