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Share Healthy Habits with Your Children

Share Healthy Habits with Your Children

Childhood obesity is the number one health concern today, and obesity rates continue to climb. Obesity statistics don't surprise Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He says that less than 2% of children's diets come from whole fruits and vegetables. The majority of calories consumed comes from meat, dairy, and heavily processed foods which are fiber and micronutrient...

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  6821 Hits

Childhood Obesity Creates Future Health Problems

Childhood Obesity Creates Future Health Problems

Childhood obesity rates continue to climb, especially in the United States. Parents who are overweight tend to raise children that are also overweight. Childhood obesity increases a child's risk of developing serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea and cancer. Switching your child to a whole-food, nutrient-rich, plant-based diet not only provides...

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  33217 Hits

High Protein Diets Promote Illness

High Protein Diets Promote Illness

High protein diets such as the Atkins or Paleo diet may result in initial rapid weight loss, however, there are numerous adverse health consequences associated with these types of diets. So, while the weight may be decreasing other serious health risks are increasing. Is it worth the risk to lose weight in this way? In a nutshell: No! 

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  9186 Hits

Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind

Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind

Why do highly processed foods give us so much pleasure, while at the same time being so harmful? Dr. Doug Lisle says that the "answer is related to a system called the motivational triad." "This is a trio of biological mechanisms that nature has designed into every creature on planet earth so that they can...

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  13443 Hits

Women's Health Concerns

Women's Health Concerns

Heart disease, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases, obesity, and breast cancer are some of the common conditions that affect the lives of women. However, in his Women's Health article, Dr. Joel Fuhrman states that, "These conditions are largely preventable with healthy lifestyle measures." I have to agree. For this reason, I frequently blog, write articles, and give presentations regarding Women's Health. Would you...

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  9254 Hits

The Benefits of Whole Grains

The Benefits of Whole Grains

Whole, intact, grains can be an essential component of a whole-food, nutrient-dense, Starch-Smart® diet. A whole grain consists of all three parts of the kernel, which are the bran, germ, and endosperm. When any of these are removed in processing, then it is no longer considered a whole, intact, grain. Many people today believe that whole...

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  6825 Hits

Optimal Health Begins at Infancy?

Optimal Health Begins at Infancy?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), mothers choosing to breastfeed their baby is a trend on the rise. This is very good news. There are many health benefits associated with breastfeeding for both mother and baby. There are also some very important pre-pregnancy and pregnancy factors to consider. An article by...

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  7494 Hits

Which Foods are the Most Popular?

Which Foods are the Most Popular?

What three ingredients do food manufacturers add to addict you and increase sales of their products? You will find these three addictive substances in the majority of today's hyper-palatable processed and fast foods. And... drumroll please... the three secret ingredients are: sugar, fat, and salt. But, why? These ingredients "seduce our taste buds" by stimulating...

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  10643 Hits

John Mackey, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, Plant-Based Diet Presentation

John Mackey, Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, Plant-Based Diet Presentation

This is an excellent 27 minute presentation given by John Mackey of Whole Foods Market.  He explains the benefits associated from eating a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet.

To view a previous Whole-Foods Market, Engine-2 Immersion that John Mackey spoke of, click here.  

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  14445 Hits

Health Concerns about Dairy Products

Health Concerns about Dairy Products

According to the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, "Many Americans still consume substantial amounts of dairy products—and government policies still promote them—despite scientific evidence that questions their health benefits and indicates their potential health risks." A few of the risks associated with dairy consumption include an increased incidence of cancer, heart disease, acne, osteoporosis, gastrointestinal...

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  12514 Hits

Obesity Trends Animation Placed on Newly Launched DrCarney.com Site

Obesity Trends Animation Placed on Newly Launched DrCarney.com Site

We are greatly saddened by the increasing obesity trends in America knowing that obesity is a precursor to unnecessary disease, suffering and premature death. Millions of people are effected! After clicking through the Obesity Trends slides from the CDC one can only wonder where we will be ten years from now. It is scary to think about. That, coupled with the increasing tendency for medical care to be rushed, if available at all, and we can see a time of great suffering coming on the United States that will be unprecedented. When we lose our health we have pretty much lost everything.

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  7805 Hits

Unprecedented Obesity Increases in Only 25 Years

Unprecedented Obesity Increases in Only 25 Years

We are greatly saddened by the increasing obesity trends in America knowing that obesity is a precursor to unnecessary disease, suffering and premature death. Millions of people are effected! After clicking through the Obesity Trends slides from the CDC one can only wonder where we will be ten years from now. It is scary to...

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  4458 Hits

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