
Assuming exercise is required, the following results were found.

  • Physical Activity and Cancer Incidence in Alberta's Tomorrow Project: Results from a Prospective Cohort of 26,538 Participants

    physical activity, the lesser the chances of developing cancer. This study shed more light on the beneficial role regular exercise play in the prevention of cancer.
  • Dr. Carney's Care Philosophy

    problems are worsened by lifestyle habits, such as inappropriate nutrition, inadequate sleep, drinking, smoking, lack of exercise and stretching, as well as negative thought patterns. Dr. Carney helps patients prevent and reverse disease through...
  • Combined effects of fruit and vegetables intake and physical activity on the risk of metabolic syndrome among Chinese adults.

    Researchers found out that adoption of healthy lifestyle habits comprising of high fruit and vegetable diet and regular exercise lowered the risk of acquiring metabolic syndrome. This study supports the view that adequate intake fruits and vegetables...
  • Physical activity and risk of colon adenoma: a meta-analysis.

    Regular exercise may help cut down the risk of colon cancer. ​The aim of this research work was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis on data from studies that explored the association between colon cancer risk and physical activity....

    anyone had difficulty bringing down LDL even though you are following a whole food-plant based diet and getting regular exercise? What has helped you bring your numbers down?
  • Who's Influencing Your Children?

    concerning the health and safety of your children. Adequate sleep, proper dental hygiene, and getting enough fresh air and exercise are just a few of the many good habits you instill in your children. Yet when it comes to dietary choices, are you...
  • The 30-Day Diabetes Miracle

    benefits of a plant-based diet for diabetics Energize with a unique, simple, and effective intermittent training exercise program Take ownership of one's own health and future ​{amazonWS:itemId=0399534768}
  • Lighten Up: Weighing in on the Weight Debate

    healthy living. He holds both undergraduate and graduate degrees from Indiana State University in nutrition with minors in Exercise Science. Jeff has taught nutrition classes at Indiana State University, Indiana University Medical School, the University...
  • Processed People - The Documentary

    fat? What is health? Health care or sick care? Are we what we eat? Do we need to eat animal products? What's the role of exercise? What's a processed person? Can you "de-process" yourself? What happens if we don't change? ​{amazonWS:itemId=B001O49STU}
  • Turn Off the Fat Genes: The Revolutionary Guide to Losing Weight

    weight no matter what you do? If so, the genes that set your metabolism might need a boost. (See page 71.) Do you hate exercise? If so, your genes may have overloaded you with sluggish Type II muscle cells. Learn how to change them on page 100. Once we...
  • Mediterranean Diet - Healthy IN SPITE OF Olive Oil

    as butter and coconut oil were avoided as well as salt and sweets. Eggs, meat, and dairy were eaten in limited amounts. Exercise was also an important constituent of the Mediterranean diet. Americans looking for a "heart healthy" diet believe they are...
  • Potatoes and risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease in apparently healthy adults: a systematic review of clinical intervention and observational studies.

    ​Frequent consumers of French fries may have increased likelihood of suffering from cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. This study examined how the consumption of potatoes influenced the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, type...
  • Whole-grain and blood lipid changes in apparently healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.

    Adequate intake of whole grains may help individuals to improve their lipid profile and maintain a healthy cholesterol number. This study investigated the association between frequent consumption of whole grains and serum concentrations of lipids in...
  • Sandra Never Expected to Become so Slender!

    My first medical appointment with Dr. Carney was on June 6th, 2016 but I had previous encounters with Dr. Carney through the ATX Alive PlantPure Potlucks starting many months prior to that. I had also met Dr. Carney earlier as she presented at some of...
  • Insulin Resistance Insulin Sensitivity

    As a Type-1 Diabetic and due to the manner in which I learned to manage it, Insulin Resistance became a passionate topic for me as it is a fundamental element of metabolic control. I learned that the lower the insulin resistance, the less insulin I had...
  • Diabetes! What is it? What’s the risk? What can I do?

    The percentage of diabetes cases are skyrocketing in the US and many parts of the world. How do you know if you are at risk? Is it genetic? Is it lifestyle? Is it preventable? A clear understanding, even if simplified, is your best defense against...
  • Nutrition, insulin, IGF-1, and cancer risk: a study of epidemiological evidence.

    findings of this study reveal that high glycemic load, high consumption of saturated fats and animal proteins, and lack of exercise are associated with increased risk of cancer.
  • Dietary fat intake as risk factor for the development of diabetes.

    diets of the RDM and UDM groups. According to this study, a family history of diabetes (except in the IFG group), lack of exercise, and sedentary jobs contributed positively to the development of diabetes in all the subjects. The results of this study...
  • Is higher serum cholesterol associated with altered tendon structure or tendon pain? A systematic review.

    High plasma cholesterol levels are associated with the presence of tendon pain and the development of abnormal tendon structure. This study examined the relationship between blood cholesterol levels and tendon health. Researchers conducted a...
  • A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrate diet for obesity

    the effect of the low-carbohydrate diet on functions such as renal and cardiovascular was not evaluated. Bone health, and exercise tolerance was also not part of this study. Many participants in both groups did not maintain compliance. They had an...

Results 61 - 80 of 163

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