By Linda Carney MD on September 16, 2013
Category: Food Matters

Raw Food Diet Myths

A whole-food, nutrient-dense, Starch-Smart® Diet should consist of both raw and cooked plant foods. A portion of our daily diet should come from raw plant foods. This can easily be done by eating a large salad each day and several servings of raw fruit. Eating a nutritious diet consisting of both cooked and raw plant food provides abundant nutrients that supports optimal health. Many of us have read on the internet that cooking food destroys the enzymes and micronutrients, and because of this, all of our food should be raw. However ...

Dr. Michael Greger's video explains that, "Some nutrients are destroyed by cooking, but some nutrients become more absorbable." For example, the antioxidant content in carrots triples when cooked, as well as the lycopene in tomatoes, and the cancer fighting properties in broccoli. Other vegetables though are better eaten raw, like bell peppers. So, what is a person to do? Eat a variety of whole-foods that are plant-based, both raw and cooked, and enjoy the journey. Your body will thank you for it.

So, now that you know the answer to the question "Is Raw or Cooked Food More Nutritious?" you can help others by sharing the knowledge. It is important to realize that a raw food diet can be healthy and a cooked food diet can be unhealthy. Raw verses cooked is not the best place for us to spend our conversational energy. Instead focus on the question of unprocessed verses processed. This is a place to better focus our dietary discussions. 

For more information:

(1) Which is Better, Raw or Cooked Broccoli?

(2) What's the Best Cooking Method?

(3) Raw Food Nutrient Absorption

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