
Assuming vegetables is required, the following results were found.

  • Vitamin Supplements May Increase Risk of Disease

    Many people pop a morning multivitamin as a very personal form of "health insurance." We figure that just in case our diet isn't adequately providing for our nutritional needs, we'll take a multivitamin to be safe. Some of us take it a step further,...
  • Healthy Food = Healthy Colon

    We're sure you will agree that colon polyps aren't exactly a popular topic of conversation. However, because they increase our risk of colon cancer (and over 35% of those eating the typical American diet have polyps) it's important for us to discuss...
  • Part III: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

    comes from animal products and non-heme iron which comes from plant sources. Whole grains, legumes and dark green leafy vegetables provide the...
  • The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter's 28-Day Save-Your-Life Plan that Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds

    in a month. His plant-powered eating plan is based on a diet of whole foods, including whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and seeds. This invaluable guide features: Dozens of easy, mouthwatering recipes-from pancakes to pizza,...
  • Eggs Contain Few Antioxidants

    Which food contains more antioxidants - eggs or whole plant foods? Eggs are marketed for containing high levels of antioxidants, which play an important role in fighting disease. The egg industry boasts: "One egg has 13 essential vitamins and minerals...
  • Forks Over Knives: The Plant-Based Way to Health

    animals and the environment, and for our future A helpful primer on crafting a healthy diet rich in unprocessed fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains, including tips on transitioning and essential kitchen tools 125 recipes from 25 champions of...
  • Using Diet to Help Prevent Prostate Cancer

    Prostate cancer in men is a hormone-dependent cancer; much like breast cancer is in women. Dr. Neal Barnard, president of The Cancer Project, does an excellent job of explaining what we can do to help prevent it as well as helping us fight it, for...
  • Is a Starch-Smart® diet safe for children to follow?

    A Starch-Smart® diet is an excellent diet for children of all ages and can be started as soon as they are introduced to solid foods. Consuming a Starch-Smart diet not only provides superior nutrition, it also greatly impacts their future health. A well...
  • How to Eat a Balanced WFPB Diet

    What is a balanced diet? A diet that supplies the proper proportions of all the nutrients necessary for health is considered a balanced diet. But despite our best efforts to eat healthfully, many of us worry that maybe we're not getting enough of...
  • Healthy Diets Start in the Womb

    This is a very interesting article written by Kristin Wartman from The New York Times. She explores several reasons why it's important for parents to feed their children healthy food right from the start....even while in the womb. Children quickly...
  • ALS Challenge Using Fruit-Veggies

    Many of you have seen and participated in the recent " ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ." ALS (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a disease of the "nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord that control voluntary muscle movement. ALS is also known as Lou...
  • Milk Increases Bone Fracture and Osteoporosis Risk

    The dairy industry and government agencies have led us to believe that regular consumption of milk and milk products is essential for building strong bones in children and the prevention of osteoporosis in older adults. Of course, everyone wants...
  • High Fiber Diets Ward off Inflammatory Bowel Disease

    Inflammatory Bowel Disease is the term used to describe both Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract that cause prolonged inflammation of the gut. The gut is comprised of...
  • Part IV: Do Plant-Based Diets Need Supplementing?

    It's amazing how much the media and popular culture affect our health concerns . Oil in our diet is one example. For decades no one gave a thought to their fat intake. That changed in the sixties when the American Heart Association came out with...
  • Avoid the Negative Effects From Dairy by Choosing Plant Foods for Calcium

    Calcium is a mineral found in the ground and is absorbed by the roots of plants. Contrary to what the dairy industry wants us to believe, whole plant foods contain sufficient amounts of calcium to support every stage of our life after infancy....
  • Stopping a Cold Before it Starts

    An optimal diet is excellent for treating and preventing many conditions like type 2 diabetes , cardiovascular disease , hypertension , arthritis , diverticulitis , and obesity . But will diet alone keep us from getting sick during cold and flu season?...
  • Fiber's Role in Preventing Breast Cancer

    What is Fiber and What is its Purpose Besides "Keeping us Regular?" The word "fiber" may bring many thoughts to our minds. Helping us "stay regular" would be the most prominent thought for most of us. This is certainly true; however, fiber plays a much...
  • Flush Away Constipation with Fiber!

    Once the diaper stage is over, no one really talks to us about our bowel habits. And if we have questions, who is there to ask? That's where I can help out. In my medical practice, I see patients all the time who are constipated . Quite a few of them...
  • What are the advantages for children eating a Starch-Smart® diet?

    foods can provide long-term future health benefits for our children, as well as possibly increasing their IQ's. Fruits, vegetables, grains, beans,... Similar Products
  • Effect of a 21-day Daniel Fast on metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk factors in men and women.

    factors in men and women. The Daniel Fast is a bible inspired partial fast in which an individual can consume only water, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains during the fasting period. 43 subjects (30 women and 13 men) participated in a...

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