
Assuming dairy is required, the following results were found.

  • Dairy Intake Blocks Antioxidant Absorption

    Milk + Berries = No Antioxidants - What's more enjoyable than a big bowl of fresh, juicy berries with a little milk poured on it? Simple. Classic. Healthy... Or is it? While berries are brimming with antioxidants, researchers have discovered that you...
  • Unscrambling the Truth About Eggs

    Are eggs really that "incredible" or are the industry's marketing strategies "incredible?" You might be surprised to learn how big industries use clever marketing strategies to boost the sale of their products. One technique that Dr. John McDougall...
  • The Scoop on Poop

    For most people, discussing bowel function can be almost as painful as being constipated! Although it is an embarrassing topic for many, most people are concerned whether or not their bowel habits are normal. If you're curious about this topic, you've...
  • Dairy products and ovarian cancer: a pooled analysis of 12 cohort studies.

    A surge in ovarian cancer risk is associated with habitual consumption of 2-3 servings of milk per day. This study evaluated dairy food intake in relation to the development of ovarian cancer by meta-analysis. A total of 12 cohort studies were included...
  • RE: Starches converting to sugar--good/bad for cancer diet?

    Cancer cells grow faster as low-oxygen fermentation increases, not because all cells require glucose for fuel. The meat, dairy, and oils induce vasoconstriction via reduced nitric oxide from the endothelial cells that line our arteries, creating the...
  • Big Industries Influence USDA Food Guidelines

    The majority of disease, disability and premature death seen by medical professionals today originates from a nutrient and fiber-deficient diet, which has led to an epidemic of poor health and astronomical health care costs . In fact, according to the...
  • How do our Food Choices Promote Autoimmune Conditions?

    Autoimmune disease affects more than 23.5 million Americans and is a serious condition in which the body's own immune system attacks healthy cells within the body, believing that they are foreign substances. This condition can affect one or more parts...
  • Whole milk intake is associated with prostate cancer-specific mortality among U.S male physicians.

    High intake of dairy products may elevate prostate cancer development, progression, and mortality risk. This research work was carried out to determine the relationship between dairy product consumption and prostate cancer development, progression, and...
  • Adolescent milk fat and galactose consumption and testicular germ cell cancer

    Men who ate lots of dairy foods as adolescents tend to have a high propensity to come down with testicular cancer. This research work studied the dairy-testicular cancer connection hypothesis. Researchers examined health and nutritional data from over...
  • Dairy Promotes Type-1 Diabetes

    Type-1 diabetes is a serious illness where the pancreas stops producing insulin. This type of diabetes is seen mainly in children and used to be known as insulin-dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes. Hearing this diagnosis can be very devastating...
  • The "Not-So-Manly" Drawbacks From Eating Meat

    this four-minute video clip . Dr. McDougall passionately forewarns men, using straightforward language, that eating meat and dairy products (saturated animal fats) diminishes sexual performance, decreases male potency and masculinity. Consuming meat he...
  • Milk Increases Bone Fracture and Osteoporosis Risk

    dairy industry and government agencies have led us to believe that regular consumption of milk and milk products is essential for building strong bones in children and the prevention of osteoporosis in older adults. Of course, everyone wants stronger...
  • Cow's Milk is Baby Calf Growth Fluid

    Out of the 5,000 different mammalian species, human beings are the only mammals that continue to drink milk after weaning, and then they drink it from another species. There are several reasons why we do so. For example, we were taught in school and by...
  • Dairy Product Consumption and Hypertension Risk in a Prospective French Cohort of Women

    cheese may have a high tendency to suffer from hypertension. This study analyzed the relationship between the consumption of dairy products and the incidence of hypertension in women. Researchers surveyed more than 40,000 French women for 12.2 years. A...
  • Grandson and meals

    have my grandson every other weekend, and most times every weekend. He has asthma and he also is allergic to dairy. the sad thing is everyone wants to feed him dairy because thats his favorite . ie. Mac n cheese. pizza, etc... my son asked him if he...
  • Is Cow Milk Designed for Humans?

    globally. A huge proportion of the 212 billion liters was consumed in America. The average American consumes 375 pounds of dairy products every year and 1 out of every 7 dollars spent in grocery stores in the United States goes for the purchase...
  • Milk May Raise Mortality Risk

    An increase in mortality risk is associated with frequent consumption of milk, according to a 2014 study published in the British Medical Journal . A team of Swedish researchers analyzed the diets of more than 100,000 men and women recruited from 3...
  • Is Milk a Healthy Source of Calcium?

    Calcium is one of the essential minerals needed by the body to function properly. It is the most abundant mineral in the human body, with 99% found in the bones and teeth and 1% in the blood. Calcium is used for building strong bones and teeth , cell...
  • Dietary Fatty Acids and Pancreatic Cancer in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study

    ​Frequent consumers of fatty foods, especially fats from red meat and dairy products, are much more prone to develop pancreatic cancer. This study examined the consumption of high-fat diets in relation to pancreatic cancer development risk. Researchers...
  • Three Diseases Linked to Milk Consumption

    Milk is one of the most popular drinks of choice among Americans. In fact, the average American consumed about 20.4 gallons of milk in 2010. Unfortunately, cow's milk is not well designed for humans; in reality, it is baby calf growth fluid intended to...

Results 41 - 60 of 317

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