
Assuming cholesterol is required, the following results were found.

  • Associations of Dietary Cholesterol or Egg Consumption With Incident Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality.

    Consistent consumption of eggs and other cholesterol-rich foods may increase cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality risk. ​This study looked at the connection between dietary intake of eggs and cholesterol and the likelihood of developing and...
  • Systematic review and meta-analysis suggest that dietary cholesterol intake increases risk of breast cancer.

    ​Women on diets high in cholesterol-containing foods may have a high tendency of developing breast cancer. The objective of this study was to conduct a review and meta-analysis of cohort and case-control studies that investigated the associations...
  • Can Lower Back Pain be a Warning Sign of Clogged Arteries?

    Do you suffer from lower back pain? If so, you're not alone. Low back pain is the second leading cause of disability in Westernized countries with a lifetime prevalence of 84%. Chronic low back pain afflicts 1 in every 5 people and 1 in 10 experiences...
  • Who has Heart Disease? Everyone?

    Heart Disease Kills One Out of Every Three People - Will You be Next? The statistics are distressing. Heart disease is our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women. "More than 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year, with...
  • Classic Tale of the African Green Monkeys

    Many people love the classics. Swiss Family Robinson . Jane Eyre . Or even Good Night Moon . All genres have their classics. These stories often owe their appeal to an artful exploration of some truth regarding the human condition. There truly is "no...
  • Eat Tomatoes for a Healthy Heart!

    Red is a Heart-Healthy Color Red foods like tomatoes, watermelon, sweet red peppers, red grapefruit, and papaya all contain a powerful, heart-healthy carotenoid called lycopene. According to an article by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, You Say Tomato--We Say...
  • "Die Sooner with Good Looking Numbers"

    Sit down and brace yourself for this one, you're about to read truths about our health care system that will disturb you, but hopefully motivate you to make the transition to a whole-food, Starch-Smart® diet! One of the many reasons why we admire Dr....
  • Intake of soy products is associated with better plasma lipid profiles in the Hong Kong Chinese population.

    ​Adequate intake of soy foods is associated with a healthy cholesterol number in men and in younger women. This study assessed the effect of soy foods on blood levels of lipids. With the aid of semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire,...
  • Cholesterol and Genes

    have some friends that have high cholesterol. They tell me, "It runs in my family." I know that could be possible, but I also know they are eating a high fat diet. Can you suggest a kind way to encourage them to take some healthy steps forward?
  • Eating Beans Lowers Cholesterol

    against all forms of cancer and facilitate in weight loss, they also lower and help maintain healthy blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Beans are high in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, micronutrients, protein, and low in fat, making them the perfect...
  • Whole-grain and blood lipid changes in apparently healthy adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies.

    Adequate intake of whole grains may help individuals to improve their lipid profile and maintain a healthy cholesterol number. This study investigated the association between frequent consumption of whole grains and serum concentrations of lipids in...
  • What’s Wrong With Eggs?

    eggs can contribute to developing risk factors for serious health problems. The first concern regarding eggs is its high cholesterol content - eggs contain the highest concentrated source of cholesterol . But, that is not the end of the story. Susan...
  • Dietary cholesterol and egg intake are associated with the risk of gestational diabetes: a prospective study from Southwest China

    Pregnant women on high cholesterol diet may be at risk of developing gestational diabetes. This study analyzed the relationship between heightened consumption of cholesterol-rich foods, such as eggs, and the probability of gestational diabetes mellitus...
  • Dietary Cholesterol Intake and Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies

    Avid consumption of foods loaded with cholesterol may trigger the onset of gestational diabetes mellitus. This study investigated the hypothesis that heavy dietary intake of cholesterol-rich foods can put a woman at high risk of developing gestational...
  • Dietary cholesterol and lung cancer risk among men in Hawaii

    Greater intake of foods packed with cholesterol is tied to higher risk of lung cancer in men. This research work determined if there is a connection between avid consumption of cholesterol-rich foods and increased risk of lung cancer in men....
  • Association between cholesterol intake and pancreatic cancer risk: Evidence from a meta-analysis.

    ​ A significant elevation in pancreatic cancer risk is associated with high consumption of cholesterol-rich foods. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between dietary intake of cholesterol-rich foods and the risk of developing...
  • Long-term vegetarians have low oxidative stress, body fat, and cholesterol levels.

    and 30 persons on omnivorous diets. Researchers found out that vegetarians had lower body fat, oxidative stress, total cholesterol concentrations, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels than omnivores. The findings of this study indicate...
  • High cholesterol intake is associated with elevated risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus - a meta-analysis.

    Frequent consumption of cholesterol-rich foods may increase an individual's risk of developing type 2 diabetes.. This study investigated the relationship between high dietary intake of cholesterol-rich foods and type 2 diabetes risk by meta-analysis....
  • Heart Attack Proof Yourself in 3 Weeks

    or 831,000 each year. Will you be next? You may not have any symptoms of heart disease, or have been told that your cholesterol is within the "normal" range, yet these measures are not an accurate means of assessing your risk for heart disease. The...
  • Vegetarian or vegan diets and blood lipids: a meta-analysis of randomized trials

    extracted from 30 clinical trials conducted between 1980 and 2022. Data analysis revealed reduced blood levels of total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (bad cholesterol) among vegetarians. This study pointed out the beneficial...

Results 61 - 80 of 326

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