
Assuming blood is required, and fatty is required, the following results were found.

  • Heart Attack Proof Your Holidays

    Heart Disease Kills One Out of Every Three People. The statistics are distressing. Heart disease is our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women. Dr. Joel Fuhrman reports, "More than 1.5 million people will have a heart attack this year,...
  • Animal-Based Diet Turns Our Blood Fatty

    Our nation's current epidemic of chronic disease is not due to our genetic family history or the consequence of aging, but rather caused by poor diet and lifestyle choices. This is particularly true concerning heart disease. Heart disease rates rise...
  • Is Vegan the New Viagra?

    Many men think eating plants is "wimpy" because real men hunt, kill and eat meat for its presumed "superior" (muscle building) protein . On the contrary, a plant-based diet boosts virility/fertility , enhances athletic performance , and supports...
  • Could Erectile Dysfunction Save Your Life?

    Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S ., (killing one out of every three persons ), so it's no surprise that men in the U.S. have the highest percentage of Erectile Dysfunction (ED), since ED is indeed a cardiovascular...
  • Seeing is Believing!

    Have you ever met your friends at your favorite restaurant and when you returned home, you felt too sluggish or sleepy to be productive, so you crashed on the sofa to watch TV? This phenomenon is not a surprise to Dr. John McDougall, who has been...
  • How Bad Can Just One Meal Be?

    Holidays come and go, yet the effects from eating poorly, even temporarily, have adverse consequences on our health. We may rationalize that "It's just a few meals, how harmful could they be?" You may be surprised to learn that the majority of heart...
  • Low-Carb Diets Impair Blood Flow

    information regardinglow-carb diets and heart disease, click on the following links: (1) "Animal-Based Diet Turns Our Blood Fatty" (2) "Nathan Pritikin Shows Heart Disease is Reversible" (3) "How Bad Can Just One Meal Be?" (4) "The Paleo Diet Is...
  • Is Olive Oil Really "Heart Healthy?"

    Olive oil is as American as baseball and apple pie. Its monounsaturated omega-3's have long been touted for being "heart healthy." But if olive oil ready did protect our hearts from heart disease, then why do one out of every three Americans die from...
  • Antioxidant-Rich Foods Dilate Arteries

    In 1998, a pivotal discovery earning the Nobel Prize in Medicine, led to the discovery of a "miracle molecule" called Nitric Oxide (NO) . The Nitric Oxide molecule is a gas which is produced inside the endothelial lining of all blood vessels. The...
  • Heart Attack Proof Yourself in 3 Weeks

    The statistics are distressing. Heart disease is our nation's leading cause of death for both men and women, resulting in a heart attack every 34 seconds. Eighty-one million Americans suffer from cardiovascular disease killing one out of every three...
  • How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease

    "The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6 million Americans annually. This doesn't have to be the case," writes Michael Greger MD, in his new book entitled, "How Not to Die." "The fifteen leading causes of death claim the lives of 1.6...
  • How do the Majority of Heart Attacks Occur?

    Because heart disease is called "the silent killer," many patients aren't aware that they have cardiovascular disease until they experience chest pain or have their first heart attack. In fact, 64% of women and 50% of men who have suffered a major...
  • Unscrambling the Truth About Eggs

    Are eggs really that "incredible" or are the industry's marketing strategies "incredible?" You might be surprised to learn how big industries use clever marketing strategies to boost the sale of their products. One technique that Dr. John McDougall...
  • Super Bowl Food/Stress Can Trigger Heart Attacks

    According to two studies published in 2008 and 2011, intense emotional strain, excitement, and distress experienced during viewing dramatic athletic games such as the Super Bowl can trigger a cardiovascular event. A study published in the 2008 New...
  • Diet for a New America With John Robbins

    for good health. (1) View the Entire One Hour Documentary (2) Diet for a New America DVD (3) Animal-Based Diet Turns Our Blood Fatty
  • Fat, Not Sugar, Causes Type 2 Diabetes

    Though the media and most health professionals promote the message that high sugar consumption is the cause of type 2 diabetes, this idea is not really true. Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease in which the body cells become resistant to insulin,...
  • Can Lower Back Pain be a Warning Sign of Clogged Arteries?

    Do you suffer from lower back pain? If so, you're not alone. Low back pain is the second leading cause of disability in Westernized countries with a lifetime prevalence of 84%. Chronic low back pain afflicts 1 in every 5 people and 1 in 10 experiences...
  • Menstrual Cramping and Heavy Periods

    According to a research study presented in the February 2000 issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology, a low-fat, vegan diet " signi ficantly reduced pain a nd PMS fo r many wom en ." Painf ul menstru al cram ping and hea vy periods can be largely attributed...
  • Managing Symptoms vs Treating the Illness

    Changing one's beliefs and eating habits can be a very difficult thing to do, especially living in a modern world where our culture believes "more is better." In order to thrive, we're told we need more protein, more fat, more vitamin supplements and...
  • Health effects of saturated and trans-fatty acid intake in children and adolescents: Systematic review and meta-analysis.

    ​Children and adolescents on low-fat diets are less prone to develop cardiovascular disease. This study was carried out to determine the effect of dietary intake of saturated and trans fatty acids on the blood pressure, low density lipoprotein (LDL)...

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