​Adoption of healthy lifestyle habits, such as consuming of diets low in meat and high in fiber, exercising regularly, maintenance of healthy weight, and avoidance of cigarette smoking, may help protect individuals from diverticulitis.

This study examined how lifestyle habits affect diverticulitis risk. A team of researchers from Harvard Medical School tracked the diets, physical activity, body mass index (BMI), and smoking habits of 51,529 men recruited from the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study. The diverticulitis hazard ratios of all the participants in this study were also ascertained.

The research team observed that men who ate less red meat, consumed more fiber, exercise regularly, maintained healthy weight, and did not smoke had low risk of developing diverticulitis compared to men who consumed more red meat and less fiber, did not exercise, were overweight and obese, and smoked cigarettes. According to this study, imbibing healthy lifestyle habits can decrease diverticulitis risk by 50%. Data from this study suggest that men who adopt healthy lifestyle habits may be less vulnerable to diverticulitis.