• drcarney commented on a post
    T1 Diabetic
    Thanks for writing.

    It is essential not to eat any foods that contain more than 20% of their calories from fat. Ever.
    Because it will take 15 to 30 days to get your levels of blood sugar and insulin back down to ideal.

    You need beans or lentils for breakfast and for lunch.

    I recommend...
    Thanks for writing.

    It is essential not to eat any foods that contain more than 20% of their calories from fat. Ever.
    Because it will take 15 to 30 days to get your levels of blood sugar and insulin back down to ideal.

    You need beans or lentils for breakfast and for lunch.

    I recommend a food coaching consult by phone, which you may purchase here for customized lifestyle advice, although I am not functioning as a physician in these consults, as I am not writing orders nor prescribing pharmaceuticals.

    I recommend my starch smartest program, which is free to you here:

    I also advise that you read each of the blogs written by Ken Thomas and do exactly as he does: No nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, oils or restaurant foods that you don't know for sure were made without oil.

    Thank you for being a member of DrCarney.com,
    Dr. Carney
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