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1 minute reading time (172 words)

Global sodium consumption and death from cardiovascular causes.

Sodium consumption above 2g per day is one of the major causes of cardiovascular-related deaths worldwide.

This study examined the effect of sodium consumption on global cardiovascular mortality. Researchers analyzed dietary and clinical data obtained from subjects in 66 countries. The blood pressure and cardiovascular mortality hazard ratios were assessed in all the subjects.

Researchers observed that a greater cardiovascular mortality risk was associated with high sodium intake. According to this study, 1 in every 10 cardiovascular-related deaths in 2010 (about 1.65 million deaths) was due to sodium consumption above the recommended amount of 2g per day, and 2 out of every 5 of these deaths occurred in individuals below the age of 70. The countries of Georgia and Kenya had the highest and lowest number respectively of cardiovascular mortality cases in 2010. The findings of this study show that high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality risks are associated with sodium intake above the reference level of 2g per day.

This study evaluated the correlation between sodium consumption and cardiovascular mortality risk worldwide.

Research Summary Information

  • 2014
  • Mozaffarian D, Fahimi S, Singh GM, Micha R, Khatibzadeh S, Engell RE, Lim S, Danaei G, Ezzati M, Powles J; Global Burden of Diseases Nutrition and Chronic Diseases Expert Group.
  • Mozaffarian D, Ezzati M, Fahimi S, Khatibzadeh S, Micha R, Powles J, Shi P, Elmadfa I, Kalantarian S, Rao M, Wirojratana P, Lim SS, Andrews KG, Engell RE, Elliott P, Brown I, Britton J, Fogarty A, Land MA, Lewis S, McKeever T, Neal B, Ocké MC, Webster J, Abbott PA, Abdollahi M, Gilardon EA, de Salud M, Ahsan H, Al Nsour MA, Al-Hooti SN, Barennes H, Barquera S, Baylin A, Becker W, Bjerregaard P, Bourne LT, Calleja N, Capanzana MV, Castetbon K, Chang HY, Chen Y, Cowan MJ, De Henauw S, Ding EL, Duante CA, Duran P, Elmadfa I, Barbieri HE, Farzadfar F, Fernando DN, Hadziomeragic AF, Fisberg RM, Forsyth SJ, Garriguet D, Gauci D, Ginnela BN, Guessous I, Gulliford MC, Hadden WC, Haerpfer C, Hoffman DJ, Houshiar-rad A, Huybrechts I, Hwalla NC, Ibrahim HM, Inoue M, Jackson MD, Johansson L, Keinan-Boker L, Kim CI, Koksal E, Li Y, Lipoeto NI, Ma G, Mangialavori GL, Matsumura Y, McGarvey ST, Fen CM, Mensink GB, Koch R, Monge-Rojas R, Musaiger AO, Naska A, Ocke MC, Oltarzewski M, Orfanos P, Ovaskainen ML, Pan WH, Panagiotakos DB, Pekcan GA, Petrova S, Piaseu N, Pitsavos C, Posada LG, Riley LM, Sánchez-Romero LM, Selamat RB, Sharma S, Sibai AM, Sichieri R, Simmala C, Steingrimsdottir L, Sygnowska EH, Szponar L, Tapanainen H, Templeton R, Thanopoulou A, Thorgeirsdóttir H, Thorsdottir I, Trichopoulou A, Tsugane S, Turrini A, Vaask S, Veerman JL, Verena N, Waskiewicz A, Zaghloul S, Zajkás G.
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