Kidney cancer is among the top 10 most common cancers in both men and women. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 63,000 persons will be diagnosed with cancer of the kidney and over 14,000 individuals will die from the disease in 2018. A rapidly growing number of published studies have shown that certain food groups may be beneficial in the prevention of kidney cancer.

The findings of a 2013 study that examined the association between the intake of cruciferous vegetables and the chance of developing renal cell carcinoma show that high dietary intake of cruciferous vegetables could help to cut down the risk of getting kidney cancer. Similar results were obtained in another study titled "Cruciferous Vegetable Intake Is Associated With Lower Risk of Renal Cell Carcinoma: Evidence From a Meta-Analysis of Observational Studies." In this study, researchers observed a low incidence of renal cancer among Americans who consumed larger amounts of cruciferous vegetables regularly. Data from a 2012 study that investigated the effect of increased intake of cruciferous vegetables on cancer risk show that consuming cruciferous vegetables at least once a week can significantly reduce an individual's chances of suffering from kidney cancer.

Cruciferous vegetables are brimming with nutrients, including folate, fiber, carotenoids, and glucosinates. The human body breaks down glucosinates into sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol, both of which have potent anti-cancer properties. Animal studies have shown that sulforaphane can inhibit the development and proliferation of cancerous cells and tumors in the kidney by neutralizing carcinogens and killing cancer cells. Examples of cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, and collards, among others. Cauliflower is so versatile you can make it into "buffalo wings" when you coat it with batter, then air-fry it. Yum!

About 1 in 48 men and 1 in 83 women will develop kidney cancer at some point in their lifetime. Surprisingly, the the foods we put on our plates can determine if we will be among the people that will avoid this cancer. Eating cruciferous vegetables may be vital in helping individuals fend off kidney cancer.

Additional Information:


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