DrCarney.com Blog
Decreased cardiovascular disease risk is associated with regular intake of whole grains.
Genes may influence the plasma insulin-reducing activity of whole grains in persons of European descent.
High intake of whole grains is associated with low serum concentrations of high sensitivity C-reactive protein and improved reproductive health in pre-menopausal women.
Diets rich in whole grains and cereal fibers are associated with low type 2 diabetes risk in men and women.
Eating large amounts of germ, bran, and whole grains may confer significant protection against the development of type 2 diabetes.
High intakes of whole grains and dietary fibers may confer significant protection against the development of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.
Diets rich in whole grains are associated with low type 2 diabetes risk in men.
Inositol hexaphosphate (IP-6) is the scientific name of what is commonly known as phytic acid, or simply "phytate." Phytate is a naturally occurring phytochemical found in grains, legumes, and nuts. It is often referred to as an "anti-nutrient." However, this label is severely misleading according to many, many scientific studies. Did you know that phytic acid...
Hardly a week goes by without some type of warning or health scare regarding what "is or isn't" in our food. Reports regarding arsenic in rice the past few years have raised concerns in health-conscious individuals and have given low-carb followers yet another reason to vilify whole grains. Because whole grains (including rice) are an...
Hardly a week goes by without some type of warning or health scare regarding what "is or isn't" in our food. Reports regarding arsenic in rice the past few years have raised concerns in health-conscious individuals and have given low-carb followers yet another reason to vilify whole grains. Because whole grains (including rice) are an excellence...
Everywhere we look, we are confronted with the outcomes of recent studies which tout the benefits of low-carb high-protein diets, saturated animal fats, coconut oil...and the list goes on. Because of this, we thought it would be helpful to start circulating the results of scientific studies which reveal the opposite to be true. Show me...