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Eggs Increase Type 2 Diabetes Risk

Eggs are Just Too Risky Eggs are Just Too Risky

The higher the consumption of eggs, the greater the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Unfortunately, the United States is among the top egg consuming nations in the world. An estimated of 274.2 eggs were consumed per person per year in the United ...

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Reversing and Preventing Migraine Headaches

Reversing and Preventing Migraine Headaches

Studies have shown that plant-based diets can provide relief for migraine headache sufferers, in particular a low-fat plant-based diet. In fact foods trump supplements in providing relief. At the same time, foods can greatly contribute to migraine headaches. Animal products such as meat and cheese are known migraine trigger foods. If you suffer from reoccurring...

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  12438 Hits

Planning for Retirement?

Planning for Retirement?

How we spend the last years of our lives depends largely on what choices we make before we reach middle age, especially during the first 10 years of our childhood while our cells are multiplying rapidly. Recent studies show that dietary and lifestyle choices increase telomerase activity that is associated with slowing down the aging...

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  8500 Hits

HDL: Is Higher Really Better?

HDL: Is Higher Really Better?

One of the ways to predict the risk of cardiovascular disease is by having regular blood tests done that includes a blood lipid profile. This test includes not only the total cholesterol, but also the HDL (high-density lipoprotein) and LDL (low-density lipoprotein). The LDL is considered the "bad" cholesterol, while the HDL is thought of...

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  14884 Hits

Preventing and Surviving Breast Cancer

Preventing and Surviving Breast Cancer

Specific dietary factors known to promote the growth of cancer cells have been known for many years. Studies show that the rate of cancer in a population is directly proportional to the percent of animal fat consumed in the diet of that population. Evidence supporting this can be seen in Asian countries like Japan, where...

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  7560 Hits

Cow's Milk is Baby Calf Growth Fluid

Cow's Milk is Baby Calf Growth Fluid

Out of the 5,000 different mammalian species, human beings are the only mammals that continue to drink milk after weaning, and then they drink it from another species. There are several reasons why we do so. For example, we were taught in school and by our parents that we needed milk to build strong bones...

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  36713 Hits

Super Bowl Food/Stress Can Trigger Heart Attacks

Super Bowl Food/Stress Can Trigger Heart Attacks

According to two studies published in 2008 and 2011, intense emotional strain, excitement, and distress experienced during viewing dramatic athletic games such as the Super Bowl can trigger a cardiovascular event. A study published in the 2008 New England Journal of Medicine revealed that heart attacks among German men spiked during matches involving the German...

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  9432 Hits

Antibiotic Resistance = 23,000+ Yearly Deaths

Antibiotic Resistance = 23,000+ Yearly Deaths

Four out of five patients are given antibiotics every year, making them the most widely prescribed drug in doctor's offices today. In most cases, this is due to patients expecting them, even though many illnesses are caused by viruses which do not respond to these drugs. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states...

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  10188 Hits

Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Lisa Silvius and her husband desperately tried to conceive a child for many years, yet she had not had a monthly cycle in ten years, and no doctor was able to figure out why. Lisa and her husband conceived their first two children through the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).  Lisa states that it was "emotionally, mentally,...

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  16617 Hits

Classic Tale of the African Green Monkeys

African Green Monkey Portrait

Many people love the classics. Swiss Family Robinson. Jane Eyre. Or even Good Night Moon. All genres have their classics. These stories often owe their appeal to an artful exploration of some truth regarding the human condition. There truly is "no place like home;" a family really can survive by pulling together and using their wits; we...

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  13903 Hits

Who's Influencing Your Children?

Who's Influencing Your Children?

As a parent, you make many choices throughout the day concerning the health and safety of your children. Adequate sleep, proper dental hygiene, and getting enough fresh air and exercise are just a few of the many good habits you instill in your children. Yet when it comes to dietary choices, are you making the...

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  8724 Hits

Why Eating Legumes May Help Your Heart

Variety of Beans in Spoons and Bowls Variety of Beans in Spoons and Bowls

Whenever possible, eat a daily serving of legumes, which are an essential component of every heart-healthy diet. (Beans! Beans! Good for your heart!) The legume family of split peas, beans, lentils, and dal is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals that promote heart health. In addition, legumes do not c...

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  3763 Hits

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