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Animal Fat Increases Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

Animal Fat Increases Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

A 2013 study conducted on populations that were 65 years or older in Japan, and eight other countries including India, China and Brazil showed that, "As animal fat and calorie consumption increased, so did obesity rates and prevalence of Alzheimer's disease." These findings were published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. A previous study in 2004 found...

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  10845 Hits

How a Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

How a Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

We have heard many success stories about infertile couples who have been able to conceive a child after switching to a whole-food, nutrient-dense, plant-based diet. According to this article by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, "Approximately 7.3 million women in the U.S. have impaired ability to become pregnant, and 10-17% of couples experience infertility or subfertility at...

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  25001 Hits

Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Plant-Based Diet Improves Fertility

Lisa Silvius and her husband desperately tried to conceive a child for many years, yet she had not had a monthly cycle in ten years, and no doctor was able to figure out why. Lisa and her husband conceived their first two children through the process of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).  Lisa states that it was "emotionally, mentally,...

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  16623 Hits

Eating Beans Lowers Cholesterol

Eating Beans Lowers Cholesterol

Beans are nutritional powerhouses. Not only do they offer protection against all forms of cancer and facilitate in weight loss, they also lower and help maintain healthy blood glucose and cholesterol levels. Beans are high in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, micronutrients, protein, and low in fat, making them the perfect food for a nutrient-rich, Starch-Smart® program...

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  10251 Hits

What's the Best Cooking Method?

What's the Best Cooking Method?

At dinner time, when you're holding an arm full of vegetables, do you ever wonder which cooking method is best so that you preserve the most nutrients? This is a frequently asked question. Thanks to a study conducted by a group of food scientists, we now have some answers. The study was entitled: Influence of...

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  7042 Hits

Classic Tale of the African Green Monkeys

African Green Monkey Portrait

Many people love the classics. Swiss Family Robinson. Jane Eyre. Or even Good Night Moon. All genres have their classics. These stories often owe their appeal to an artful exploration of some truth regarding the human condition. There truly is "no place like home;" a family really can survive by pulling together and using their wits; we...

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  13909 Hits

Which is Better, Raw or Cooked Broccoli?

Which is Better, Raw or Cooked Broccoli?

We all know that George should eat his broccoli. But, do we know how he should eat his broccoli? Deep fried? Not quite. Boiled? Maybe. Raw? Possibly. There are studies on this all important subject and our favorite go to guy for such important Nutrition facts, Dr. Michael Greger has once again provided an answer. When...

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  10466 Hits

Raw Food Diet Myths

Raw Food Diet Myths

A whole-food, nutrient-dense, Starch-Smart® Diet should consist of both raw and cooked plant foods. A portion of our daily diet should come from raw plant foods. This can easily be done by eating a large salad each day and several servings of raw fruit. Eating a nutritious diet consisting of both cooked and raw plant food...

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  6785 Hits

Can Diet Prevent Cataracts?

Can Diet Prevent Cataracts?

Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and vision loss, so it's no surprise that cataract surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed today. There are several factors associated with the development of cataracts, including what type of diet we eat. Dr. Michael Greger's video clip points to a study that concluded, "Vegetarians and...

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  13143 Hits

Who's Influencing Your Children?

Who's Influencing Your Children?

As a parent, you make many choices throughout the day concerning the health and safety of your children. Adequate sleep, proper dental hygiene, and getting enough fresh air and exercise are just a few of the many good habits you instill in your children. Yet when it comes to dietary choices, are you making the...

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  8727 Hits

Why do Animal Products Cause Inflammation?

Why do Animal Products Cause Inflammation?

The beneficial anti-inflammatory properties of a Starch-Smart® Diet come from the avoidance of inflammatory foods such as animal products, as well as the inclusion of micronutrient-rich, whole plant foods. Plant foods are a rich source of phytochemicals, which support our endothelial cells that line the inside of our entire vascular system. These cells play an important...

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  30823 Hits

Dairy Associated With Recurrent Ear Infections

Dairy Associated With Recurrent Ear Infections

Earaches and ear infections are one of the most common reasons why parents bring their children to the doctor's office. In most cases, those children who develop an ear infection will develop subsequent infections. My heart's desire is to prevent these children from suffering repeatedly. This requires first relieving their current earache or ear infection...

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  46327 Hits

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